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Matching Surveys |
J. Portisch, M. Hladik, H. Paulheim: Background Knowledge in Ontology Matching: A Survey SWJ, 2023. | |
E. Thiéblin, O. Haemmerlé, N. Hernandez, C. Trojahn: Survey on complex ontology matching SWJ, 2018. | |
P. Ochieng, S. Kyanda: Large-Scale Ontology Matching: State-of-the-Art Analysis ACM Computing Surveys, 2018. | |
L. Otero-Cerdeira, F. J. Rodriguez-Martinez, A. Gomez-Rodriguez: Ontology matching: a literature review Expert Systems with Applications, 2015. | |
J. Euzenat, P. Shvaiko: Ontology matching, Springer, 2nd edition, 2013, 511 p., 103 illus., Hardcover, ISBN 978-3-642-38720-3. | |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat: Ontology matching: state of the art and future challenges IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2013. | |
J. Euzenat, C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt, P. Shvaiko, C. Trojahn: Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative: six years of experience Journal on Data Semantics, 2011. | |
Z. Bellahsene, A. Bonifati, E. Rahm [eds.]: Schema Matching and Mapping Springer, 2011. | |
A. Gal: Uncertain Schema Matching Morgan and Claypool, 2011. | |
M. Granitzer, V. Sabol, K. Weng Onn, D. Lukose, K. Tochtermann: Ontology Alignment - A Survey with Focus on Visually Supported Semi-Automatic Techniques Future Internet, 2010. | |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat: Ten Challenges for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2008. | |
N. Choi, I.-Y. Song, H. Han: A Survey on Ontology Mapping Sigmod Record, 2006. | |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat: A Survey of Schema-based Matching Approaches Journal on Data Semantics, 2005. | |
A. Doan and A. Halevy: Semantic Integration Research in the Database Community: A Brief Survey AI Magazine, Special Issue on Semantic Integration, 2005. | |
A. Halevy: Why Your Data Don't Mix ACM Queue, 2005. | |
N. Noy: Semantic Integration: A Survey of Ontology-based Approaches Sigmod Record, Special Issue on Semantic Integration, 2004. | |
Y. Kalfoglou, M. Schorlemmer: Ontology Mapping: The State of the Art The Knowledge Engineering Review Journal, 2003. | |
E. Rahm, P. Bernstein: A Survey of Approaches to Automatic Schema Matching The VLDB Journal, 2001. | |
V. Kashyap, A. Sheth: Semantic and schematic similarities between database objects: a context-based approach The VLDB Journal, 1996. | |
S. Spaccapietra, C. Parent, Y. Dupont: Model Independent Assertions for Integration of Heterogeneous Schemas The VLDB Journal, 1992. | |
J. A. Larson, S. B. Navathe, R. Elmasri: A Theory of Attributed Equivalence in Databases with Application to Schema Integration IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1989. | |
C. Batini, M. Lenzerini, and S. B. Navathe: A Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Database Schema Integration ACM Computing Surveys, 1986. |
Matching Approaches and Related Themes |
2023 |
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D. Faria, E. Santos, B. Sowkarthiga Balasubramani, M. C. Silva, F. M. Couto, C. Pesquita: AgreementMakerLight SWJ, 2023. |
A. Baraldi, F. Del Buono, F. Guerra, M. Paganelli, M. Vincini: An Intrinsically Interpretable Entity Matching System In Proceedings of EDBT, 2023. |
A. Iglesias-Molina, A. Cimmino, E. Ruckhaus, D. Chaves-Fraga, R. García-Castro, O. Corcho: An Ontological Approach for Representing Declarative Mapping Languages SWJ, 2023. |
J. Huang, Z. Sun, Q. Chen, X. Xu, W. Ren, W. Hu: Deep Active Alignment of Knowledge Graph Entities and Schemata In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2023. |
N. Steinmetz: Entity Linking for KGQA Using AMR Graphs In Proceedings of ESWC, 2023. |
R. Wu, A. Bendeck, X. Chu, Y. He: Ground Truth Inference forWeakly Supervised Entity Matching In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2023. |
J. Flores, K. Rabbani, S. Nadal, C. Gomez, O. Romero, E. Jamin, S. Dasiopoulou: Incremental Schema Integration for Data Wrangling via Knowledge Graphs SWJ, 2023. |
P. Vassiliadis, F. Shehaj, G. Kalampokis, A. V. Zarras: Joint Source and Schema Evolution: Insights from a Study of 195 FOSS Projects In Proceedings of EDBT, 2023. |
N. Heist, H. Paulheim: NASTyLinker: NIL-Aware Scalable Transformer-based Entity Linker In Proceedings of ESWC, 2023. |
L. Gazzarri, M. Herschel: Progressive Entity Resolution over Incremental Data In Proceedings of EDBT, 2023. |
N. Fanourakis, V. Efthymiou, V. Christophides, D. Kotzinos, E. Pitoura, K. Stefanidis: Structural Bias in Knowledge Graphs for the Entity Alignment Task In Proceedings of ESWC, 2023. |
J. Tu, J. Fan, N. Tang, P. Wang, G. Li, X. Du, X. Jia, S. Gao: Unicorn: A Unified Multi-tasking Model for Supporting Matching Tasks in Data Integration In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2023. |
2022 |
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2021 |
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J. Chen, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, I. Horrocks, D. Antonyrajah, A. Hadian, J. Lee: Augmenting Ontology Alignment by Semantic Embedding and Distant Supervision In Proceedings of ESWC, 2021. |
P. Wang, W. Zheng, J. Wang, J. Pei: Automating Entity Matching Model Development In Proceedings of ICDE, 2021. |
M. Franke, Z. Sehili, F. Rohde, E. Rahm: Evaluation of Hardening Techniques for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage In Proceedings of EDBT, 2021. |
S. Mani, S. Annadurai: Explicit Link Discovery Scheme Optimized with Ontology Mapping using Improved Machine Learning Approach Studies in Informatics and Control, 2021. |
J. Cabau-Laporta, A. M. Ascension, M. Arrospide-Elgarresta, D. Gerovska, M. J. Arauzo-Bravo: FOntCell: Fusion of Ontologies of Cells Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021. |
C. Trojahn, R. Vieira, D. Schmidt, A. Pease, G. Guizzardi: Foundational Ontologies meet Ontology Matching: A Survey Semantic Web Journal, 2021. |
X. Xue, X. Wu, C. Jiang, G. Mao, H. Zhu: Integrating Sensor Ontologies with Global and Local Alignment Extractions Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021. |
R. Shraga, O. Amir, A. Gal: Learning to Characterize Matching Experts In Proceedings of ICDE, 2021. |
N. Barlaug, J. Atle Gulla: Neural Networks for Entity Matching: A Survey ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2021. |
Y. Zhu, H. Liu, Z. Wu, Y. Du: Relation-Aware Neighborhood Matching Model for Entity Alignment In Proceedings of AAAI, 2021. |
C. Koutras, G. Siachamis, A. Ionescu, K. Psarakis, J. Brons, M. Fragkoulis, C. Lofi, A. Bonifati, A. Katsifodimos: Valentine: Evaluating Matching Techniques for Dataset Discovery In Proceedings of ICDE, 2021. |
2020 |
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2019 |
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M. T. Dhouib, C. F. Zucker, A. G. B. Tettamanzi: An Ontology Alignment Approach Combining Word Embedding and the Radius Measure In Proceedings of SEMANTiCS, 2019. |
A. Mansir, H. Hazlina, M. Norwati, N. Teh, A. Mohd: Bootsrapping instance-based ontology matching via unsupervised generation of training samples JATIT, 2019. |
J. Pan, M. Zhang, K. Singh, F. van Harmelen, J. Gu, Z. Zhang: Entity Enabled Relation Linking In Proceedings of ISWC, 2019. |
Y. Govind, P. Konda, P. Suganthan G. C., P. Martinkus, P. Nagarajan, H. Li, A. Soundararajan, S. Mudgal, J. R. Ballard, H. Zhang, A. Ardalan, S. Das, D. Paulsen, A. Saini, E. Paulson, Y. Park, M. Carter, M. Sun, G. M. Fung, A. Doan: Entity Matching Meets Data Science: A Progress Report from the Magellan Project In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2019. |
P. Konda, S. S. Seshadri, E. Segarra, B. Hueth, A. Doan: Executing Entity Matching End to End: A Case Study In Proceedings of EDBT, 2019. |
X. Wang, A. Meliou: Explain3D: Explaining Disagreements in Disjoint Datasets arXiv:1903.09246v1, 2019. |
N. Zheng, A. Alawini, Z. Ives: Fine-Grained Provenance for Matching & ETL In Proceedings of ICDE, 2019. |
A. Karakasidis, E. Pitoura: Identifying Bias in Name Matching Tasks In Proceedings of EDBT, 2019. |
X. Xue, Z. Hang, Z. Tang: Interactive biomedical ontology matching PLoS ONE, 2019. |
J. Chen, X. Xue, Y. Huang, X. Zhang: Interactive Cross-Lingual Ontology Matching IEEE Access, 2019. |
P. Atzeni, L. Bellomarini, P. Papotti, R. Torlone: Meta Mappings for Schema Mapping Reuse PVLDB, 2019. |
H. Ma, M. Alipourlangouri, Y. Wu, F. Chiang, J. Pi: Ontology Based Entity Matching in Attributed Graphs PVLDB, 2019. |
I. Harrow, R. Balakrishnan, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, S. Jupp, J. Lomax, J. Reed, M. Romacker, C. Senger, A. Splendiani, J. Wilson, P. Woollard: Ontology mapping for semantically enabled applications Drug Discovery Today, 2019. |
K. Sun, Y. Zhu, J. Song: Progress and Challenges on Entity Alignment of Geographic Knowledge Bases International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019. |
R. Hai, C. Quix: Rewriting of Plain SO Tgds into Nested Tgds PVLDB, 2019. |
M. N. Mami, D. Graux, S. Scerri, H. Jabeen, Soren Auer, J. Lehmann: Squerall: Virtual Ontology-Based Access to Heterogeneous and Large Data Sources In Proceedings of ISWC, 2019. |
2018 |
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L. Zhou, M. Cheatham, A. Krisnadhi, P. Hitzler: A Complex Alignment Benchmark: GeoLink Dataset In Proceedings of ISWC, 2018. |
S. Karampatakis, C. Bratsas, O. Zamazal, P. M. Filippidis, I. Antoniou: Alignment: A Hybrid, Interactive and Collaborative Ontology and Entity Matching Service Information, 2018. |
M. Gulic, B. Vrdoljak, M. Vukovic: An Iterative Automatic Final Alignment Method in the Ontology Matching System JIOS, 2018. |
G. Stoilos, D. Geleta, J. Shamdasani, M. Khodadadi: A Novel Approach and Practical Algorithms for Ontology Integration In Proceedings of ISWC, 2018. |
X. Xue, J.-S. Pan: An Overview on Evolutionary Algorithm based Ontology Matching JIH-MSP, 2018. |
C. Chen, B. Golshan, A. Halevy, W.C. Tan, A. Doan: BigGorilla: An Open-Source Ecosystem for Data Preparation and Integration IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 2018. |
Z. Sun, W. Hu, Q. Zhang, Y. Qu: Bootstrapping Entity Alignment with Knowledge Graph Embedding In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2018. |
A. Annane, Z. Bellahsene, F. Azouaou, C. Jonquet: Building an effective and efficient background knowledge resource to enhance ontology matching JWS, 2018. |
M. Mohammadi, A. A. Atashin, W. Hofman, Y. Tan: Comparison of Ontology Alignment Systems Across Single Matching Task Via the McNemar's Test TKDD, 2018. |
M. Chen, Y. Tian, K.-W. Chang, S. Skiena, C. Zaniolo: Co-training Embeddings of Knowledge Graphs and Entity Descriptions for Cross-lingual Entity Alignment In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2018. |
Y. Govind, E. Paulson, P. Nagarajan, P. Suganthan, A. Doan, Y. Park, G. Fung, D. Conathan, M. Carter, M. Sun: CloudMatcher: A HandsOff Cloud/Crowd Service for Entity Matching PVLDB, 2018. |
P. Kolyvakis, A. Kalousis, D. Kiritsis: DeepAlignment: Unsupervised Ontology MatchingWith Refined Word Vectors In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, 2018. |
S. Mudgal, H. Li, T. Rekatsinas, A. Doan, Y. Park, G. Krishnan, R. Deep, E. Arcaute, V. Raghavendra: Deep Learning for Entity Matching: A Design Space Exploration In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2018. |
D. Oliveira, C. Pesquita: Improving the interoperability of biomedical ontologies with compound alignments Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2018. |
M. Bienvenu: Inconsistency-Tolerant Ontology-Based Data Access Revisited: Taking Mappings into Account In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2018. |
D. De Una, N. Rummele, G. Gange, P. Schachte, P. J. Stuckey: Machine Learning and Constraint Programming for Relational-To-Ontology Schema Mapping In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2018. |
M. Zhao, S. Zhang, W. Li, G. Chen: Matching biomedical ontologies based on formal concept analysis Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2018. |
I. Nkisi-Orji, N. Wiratunga, S. Massie, K. Y. Hui, R. Heaven: Ontology alignment based on word embedding and random forest classification In Proceedings of ECML PKDD, 2018. |
H. Karimi, A. Kamandi: Ontology Alignment Using Inductive Logic Programming In Proceedings of ICWR, 2018. |
N. Alboukaey, A. Joukhadar: Ontology Matching as Regression Problem JDIM, 2018. |
E. Kuss, H. Leopold, H. van der Aa, H. Stuckenschmidt, H. A. Reijers: Probabilistic Evaluation Procedure for Process Model Matching Techniques DKE, 2018. |
G. Simonini, G. Papadakisy, T. Palpanas, S. Bergamaschi: Schema-agnostic Progressive Entity Resolution In Proceedings of ICDE, 2018. |
V. Efthymiou, G. Papadakis, K. Stefanidis, V. Christophides: Simplifying Entity Resolution on Web Data with Schema-agnostic, Non-iterative Matching In Proceedings of ICDE, 2018. |
P. Suganthan G.C., A. Ardalan, A. Doan, A. Akella: Smurf: SelfService String Matching Using Random Forests PVLDB, 2018. |
D. Faria, C. Pesquita, I. Mott, C. Martins, F. Couto, I. Cruz: Tackling the challenges of matching biomedical ontologies Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2018. |
P. Chocron, P. Pareti: Vocabulary Alignment for Collaborative Agents: a Study with Real-World Multilingual How-to Instructions In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2018. |
H. Rosales-Mendez, A. Hogan, B. Poblete: VoxEL: A Benchmark Dataset for Multilingual Entity Linking In Proceedings of ISWC, 2018. |
2017 |
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V. Ivanova, B. Bach, E. Pietriga, P. Lambrix: Alignment Cubes: Towards Interactive Visual Exploration and Evaluation of Multiple Ontology Alignments In Proceedings of ISWC, 2017. |
K. Jha, M. Roder, A. Ngonga: All That Glitters is not Gold – Rule-Based Curation of Reference Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking In Proceedings of ESWC, 2017. |
A. Masri, K. Zeitouni, Z. Kedad, B. Leroy: An Automatic Matcher and Linker for Transportation Datasets International Journal of Geo-Information, 2017. |
X. Xue, Z. Tang: An Evolutionary Algorithm based Ontology Matching System Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2017. |
P. Lambrix, R. Kaliyaperumal: A Session-based Ontology Alignment Approach enabling User Involvement Semantic Web Journal, 2017. |
A. Kimmig, A. Memory, R. J. Miller, L. Getoor: Collective, Probabilistic Approach to Schema Mapping In Proceedings of ICDE, 2017. |
H. Paulheim: Data-driven Joint Debugging of the DBpedia Mappings and Ontology Towards Addressing the Causes instead of the Symptoms of Data Quality in DBpedia In Proceedings of ESWC, 2017. |
Z. Dragisic, V. Ivanova, H. Li, P. Lambrix: Experiences from the anatomy track in the ontology alignment evaluation initiative Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2017. |
S. Kocbek, J.-D. Kim: Exploring biomedical ontology mappings with graph theory methods PeerJ, 2017. |
S. Das, P. Suganthan, A. Doan, J. Naughton, G. Krishnan, R. Deep, E. Arcaute, V. Raghavendra, Y. Park: Falcon: Scaling Up Hands-Off Crowdsourced Entity Matching to Build Cloud Services In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2017. |
L. Asprino, V. Presutti, A. Gangemi, P. Ciancarini: Frame-Based Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of AAAI, 2017. |
S. Ceron-Figueroa, I. Lopez-Yanez, Y. Villuendas-Rey, O. Camacho-Nieto, M. Aldape-Perez, C. Yanez-Marquez: Instance-Based Ontology Matching For Open and Distance Learning Materials International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2017. |
I. Harrow, E. Jiménez-Ruiz, A. Splendiani, M. Romacker, P. Woollard, S. Markel, Y. Alam-Faruque, M. Koch, J. Malone, A. Waaler: Matching disease and phenotype ontologies in the ontology alignment evaluation initiative Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2017. |
D. Ritze, C. Bizer: Matching Web Tables To DBpedia - A Feature Utility Study In Proceedings of EDBT, 2017. |
C. Sarasua, S. Staab, M. Thimm: Methods for Intrinsic Evaluation of Links in the Web of Data In Proceedings of ESWC, 2017. |
M. Chen, Y. Tian, M. Yang, C. Zaniolo: Multilingual Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Cross-lingual Knowledge Alignment In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2017. |
S. Shekarpour, E. Marx, S. Auer, A. Sheth: RQUERY: Rewriting Natural Language Queries on Knowledge Graphs to Alleviate the Vocabulary Mismatch Problem In Proceedings of AAAI, 2017. |
M. Cheatham, C. Pesquita: Semantic Data Integration Handbook on Big Data Technologies, 2017. |
Y. Wang, Y. He: Synthesizing Mapping Relationships Using Table Corpus In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2017. |
F. Panahi, W. Wu, A. Doan, J. Naughton: Towards Interactive Debugging of Rule-based Entity Matching In Proceedings of EDBT, 2017. |
A. Ahmeti, J. D. Fernandez, A. Polleres, V. Savenkov: Updating Wikipedia via DBpedia Mappings and SPARQL In Proceedings of ESWC, 2017. |
M. Ahmed Sherif, A. Ngonga, J. Lehmann: WOMBAT– A Generalization Approach for Automatic Link Discovery In Proceedings of ESWC, 2017. |
2016 |
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S. Wan, Y. Lany, J. Guoy, J. Xuy, L. Pang, X. Chengy: A Deep Architecture for Semantic Matching with Multiple Positional Sentence Representations In Proceedings of AAAI, 2016. |
Y. Zhang, S. He, K. Liu, J. Zhao: A Joint Model for Question Answering over Multiple Knowledge Bases In Proceedings of AAAI, 2016. |
I. Rodriguez-Lujan, R. Huerta: An Algorithm for Matching Heterogeneous Financial Databases: A Case Study for COMPUSTAT/CRSP and I/B/E/S Databases Applied Economics and Finance, 2016. |
A. Sonntag, P. Hake, P. Fettke, P. Loos: An approach for semantic business process model matching using supervised machine learning In Proceedings of ECIS, 2016. |
Y. He, K. Chakrabarti, T. Cheng, T. Tylenda: Automatic Discovery of Attribute Synonyms Using Query Logs and Table Corpora In Proceedings of WWW, 2016. |
M. Mandic, Z. Konjovic: Collaborative development of informatics curricula based on semantic technologies In Proceedings of Sinteza, 2016. |
T. Wu, G. Qi, H. Wang, K. Xu, X. Cui: Cross-Lingual Taxonomy Alignment with Bilingual Biterm Topic Model In Proceedings of AAAI, 2016. |
M. Abu Helou, M. Palmonari, M. Jarrar: Effectiveness of Automatic Translations for Cross-Lingual Ontology Mapping Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2016. |
A. Gal, H. Roitman, T. Sagi: From Diversity-based Prediction to Better Schema Matching In Proceedings of WWW, 2016. |
W. Fan, Y. Wu, J. Xu: Functional Dependencies for Graphs In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2016. |
J. Rouces, G. de Melo, K. Hose: Heuristics for Connecting Heterogeneous Knowledge via FrameBase In Proceedings of ESWC, 2016. |
F. Dhombres, O. Bodenreider: Interoperability between phenotypes in research and healthcare terminologies—Investigating partial mappings between HPO and SNOMED CT Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2016. |
E. Jimenez-Ruiz, T. R. Payne, A. Solimando, V. Tamma: Limiting Logical Violations in Ontology Alignment Through Negotiation In Proceedings of KR, 2016. |
M.Ramesh, P.Karthikeyan, N.Madurai Meenachi, M.Sai Baba: Optimizing Ontology Alignment for Nuclear Information System IJETER, 2016. |
C. Shao, L. Hu, J. Li Z. Wang, T. Chung, J. Xia: RiMOM-IM: A Novel Iterative Framework for Instance Matching Journal of computer science and technology, 2016. |
Z. Dragisic, V. Ivanova, P. Lambrix, D. Faria, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, C. Pesquita: User validation in ontology alignment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2016. |
2015 |
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Y. Sun, L. Ma, S. Wang: A Comparative Evaluation of String Similarity Metrics for Ontology Alignment JOICS, 2015. |
R. Rebai, F. Mnifa, C. Amel Zayania, I. Amousa: Adaptive global schema generation from heterogeneous metadata schemas Procedia Computer Science, 2015. |
U. Marjit: Aggregated Similarity Optimization in Ontology Alignment through Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization IJARCCE, 2015. |
N. Prytkova, M.Spaniol, G. Weikum: Aligning Multi-Cultural Knowledge Taxonomies by Combinatorial Optimization In Proceedings of WWW, 2015. |
A. Inants, J. Euzenat: An Algebra of Qualitative Taxonomical Relations for Ontology Alignments In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
H. Seddiqui, R. Pratap Deb Nath, M. Aono: An efficient metric of automatic weight generation for properties in instance matching technique IJWesT, 2015. |
Y. Gozudeli, H. Karacan, O. Yildiz, M. R. Baker, A. Minnet, M. Kalender, O. Ozay, M. A. Akcayol: A New Method Based on Tree Simplification and Schema Matching for Automatic Web Result Extraction and Matchinge In Proceedings of IMECS 2015. |
D. Xia, D. Cui, J. Wang, Y. Wang: A Novel Data Schema Integration Framework for the Human?Centric Services in Smart City ZTE COMMUNICATIONS, 2015. |
C. Xiang, B. Chang, Z. Sui: An Ontology Matching Approach Based on Affinity-Preserving Random Walks In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2015. |
A. Dimou, D. Kontokostas, M. Freudenberg, R. Verborgh, J. Lehmann, E. Mannens, S. Hellmann, R. Van de Walle: Assessing and Refining Mappings to RDF to Improve Dataset Quality In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
I. Zarembo, A. Teilans, A. Rausis, J. Buls: Assessment of Name Based Algorithms for Land Administration Ontology Matching Procedia Computer Science, 2015. |
H. Du, N. Alechina, G. Hart: A Tool for Matching Crowd-sourced and Authoritative Geospatial Data In Proceedings of ICMCIS, 2015. |
P. Arnold, E. Rahm: Automatic Extraction of Semantic Relations from Wikipedia International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 2015. |
M. A. Sherif, A. Ngonga Ngomo, J. Lehmann: Automating RDF Dataset Transformation and Enrichment In Proceedings of ESWC, 2015. |
E. Jimenez-Ruiz, E. Kharlamov, D. Zheleznyakov, I. Horrocks, C. Pinkel, M. G. Skjaeveland, E. Thorstensen, J. Mora: BOOTOX: Practical Mapping of RDBs to OWL 2 In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
J. Nosner, D. Martin, P. Yeh, P. Patel-Schneider: CogMap: A Cognitive Support Approach to Property and Instance Alignment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
S. Scherzinger, T. Cerqueusy, E. Cunha de Almeidaz: ControVol: A Framework for Controlled Schema Evolution in NoSQL Application Development In Proceedings of ICDE, 2015. |
M. Kejriwal, Daniel Miranker: Decision-making Bias in Instance Matching Model Selection In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
M. Holub, O. Proksa, M. Bielikova: Detecting Identical Entities in the Semantic Web Data In Proceedings fo SOFSEM, 2015. |
H. van der Aa, H. Leopold, H. A. Reijers: Detecting Inconsistencies between Process Models and Textual Descriptions In Proceedings of BPM, 2015. |
D. Movshovitz-Attiasy, S. E. Whang, N. Noy, A. Halevy: Discovering Subsumption Relationships for Web-Based Ontologies In Proceedings of WebDB, 2015. |
V. Verroios, H. Garcia-Molina: Entity Resolution with Crowd Errors In Proceedings of ICDE, 2015. |
M. Bouzid, N. Kraiem, H. Ghezala: ERP Integration: A Reuse Based Approach, Evaluation and Prospect Journal of Software Engineering, 2015. |
S. Kruse, P. Papotti, F. Naumann: Estimating Data Integration and Cleaning Effort In Proceedings of EDBT, 2015. |
G. Pirro: Explaining and Suggesting Relatedness in Knowledge Graphs In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
K.Jayasri, R. Rajmohan, D.Dinagaran: Exploration on Service Matching Methodology Based On Description Logic using Similarity Performance Parameters IJRD, 2015. |
B. B. Alhassan, S. B. Junaidu, A. A. Obiniyi: Extending an Ontology Alignment System with a Lexical Database SCIRJ, 2015. |
B. Faqihi, N. Daoudi, and R. Ajhoun: From the Collaboration of Companies to the Interoperability of Information Systems (Concepts and Perspectives) IJIET, 2015. |
G. Gottlob, R. Pichler, E. Sallinger: Function Symbols in Tuple-Generating Dependencies: Expressive Power and Computability In Proceedings of PODS, 2015. |
R. Laurini: Geographic Ontologies, Gazetteers and Multilingualism Future Internet, 2015. |
K. Ramar, T. Mirnalinee: Heterogeneous information management using ontology mapping ARPN JEAS, 2015. |
A. Berro, I. Megdiche, O. Teste: Holistic Statistical Open Data Integration Based On Integer Linear Programming In Proceedings of RCIS, 2015. |
W. Fan, Z. Fan, C. Tian, X. Luna Dong: Keys for Graphs In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2015. |
T. Saveta, E. Daskalaki, G. Flouris, I. Fundulaki, M. Herschel, A. Ngonga Ngomo: LANCE: Piercing to the Heart of Instance Matching Tools In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
Y. Yang, N. Meneghetti, R. Fehling, Z. Hua Liu, O. Kennedy: Lenses: An OnDemand Approach to ETL In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2015. |
S. Anam, B.H. Kang, Y. S. Kim, Q. Liu, S. Bay: Linked Data Provenance: State of the Art and Challenges In Proceedings of AWC, 2015. |
D. Lembo, J. Mora, R. Rosati, D. Fabio Savo, E. Thorstensen: Mapping Analysis in Ontology-based Data Access: Algorithms and Complexity In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
A.M. Khattak, Z. Pervez, W.A. Khan, A.M. Khan, K. Latif, S.Y. Lee: Mapping evolution of dynamic web ontologies Information Sciences, 2015. |
R. R. Khune: Mapping of Semantic Web Ontology in User Query System International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015. |
F. Schadd, N. Roos: Matching Terminological Heterogeneous Ontologies by Exploiting Partial Alignments In Proceedings of SEMAPRO, 2015. |
Y. Hu, K. Janowicz, S. Prasad, S. Gao: Metadata Topic Harmonization and Semantic Search for Linked-Data-Driven Geoportals: A Case Study Using ArcGIS Online Transactions in GIS, 2015. |
M. Dragoni: Multilingual Ontology Mapping in Practice: a Support System For Domain Experts In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
Y. Gozudeli, H. Karacan, O. Yildiz, M. R. Baker, A. Minnet, M. Kalender, O. Ozay, M. A. Akcayol: New Method Based on Tree Simplification and Schema Matching for Automatic Web Result Extraction and Matching In Proceedings of IMECS, 2015. |
D. Calvanese, M. Giese, D. Hovland, M. Rezk: Ontology-based Integration of Cross-linked Datasets In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
S. Jiang, D. Lowd, D. Dou: Ontology Matching with Knowledge Rules In Proceedings of DEXA, 2015. |
J.-W. Son, H.-G. Yoon, S.-B. Park: Ontology Kernel - A Convolution Kernel for Ontology Alignment JISE, 2015. |
L. Chang, X. Lin, W. Zhang, J. Xu Yu, Y. Zhang, L. Qin: Optimal Enumeration: Efficient Top-k Tree Matching In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2015. |
X. Xue, Y. Wang, W. Hao: Optimizing Ontology Alignments by using NSGA-II IAJIT, 2015. |
B. Berjawi, F. Duchateau, F. Favetta, M. Miquel, R. Laurini: PABench: Designing a Taxonomy and Implementing a Benchmark for Spatial Entity Matching In Proceedings of GEOProcessing, 2015. |
I. Hulpus, N. Prangnawarat, C. Hayes: Path-based Semantic Relatedness on Linked Data and its use to Word and Entity Disambiguation In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
J. Zhang, W. Shao, S. Wang, X. Kong, P. S. Yu: PNA: Partial Network Alignment with Generic Stable Matching In Proceedings of IRI, 2015. |
E. Kindi Rezig, E. C. Dragut, M. Ouzzani, A. Elmagarmid: Query-Time Record Linkage and Fusion over Web Databases In Proceedings of ICDE, 2015. |
G. Grahne, A. Moallemi, A. Onet: Recovering Exchanged Data In Proceedings of PODS, 2015 |
A. Chiatti, Z. Dragisic, T. Cerquitelli, P. Lambrix: Reducing the search space in ontology alignment using clustering techniques and topic identification In Proceedings of K-CAP, 2015. |
V. Ivanova, P. Lambrix, J. Aberg: Requirements for and Evaluation of User Support for Large-Scale Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of ESWC, 2015. |
C. Pinkel, C. Binnig, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, W. May, D. Ritze, M. G. Skjæveland, A. Solimando, E. Kharlamov: RODI: A Benchmark for Automatic Mapping Generation in Relational-to-Ontology Data Integration In Proceedings of ESWC, 2015. |
S. Anam, Y. Sok Kim, B. Ho Kang, Q. Liu: Schema Mapping Using Hybrid Ripple-Down Rules In Proceedings of ACSC, 2015. |
O. Benammar, H. Elasri, M. Jebbar, A. Sekkaki: Security Policies Matching Through Ontologies Alignment To Support Security Experts JATIT, 2015. |
J. Guang Zheng, L. Fu, X. Ma, P. Fox: SEM+: tool for discovering concept mapping in Earth science related domain Earth Sci Inform, 2015. |
M. Kejriwal, D. Miranker: Semi-supervised Instance Matching Using Boosted Classifiers In Proceedings of ESWC, 2015. |
Q. V. H. Nguyen, T. T. Nguyen, V. T. Chau, T. K. Wijaya, Z. Miklos, K. Aberer, A. Gal, M. Weidlich: SMART: A tool for analyzing and reconciling schema matching networks In Proceedings of ICDE, 2015. |
G. Antunes, M. Bakhshandeh, J. Borbinha, J. Cardoso, S. Dadashnia, C. Di Francescomarino, M. Dragoni, P. Fettke, A. Gal, C. Ghidini, P. Hake, A. Khiat, C. Klinkmuller, E. Kuss, H. Leopold, P. Loos, C. Meilicke, T. Niesen, C. Pesquita, T. Peus, A. Schoknecht, E. Sheetrit, A. Sonntag, H. Stuckenschmidt, T. Thaler, I. Weber, M. Weidlich: The Process Model Matching Contest 2015 In Proceedings of EMISA, 2015. |
X. Chu, Y. He, K. Chakrabarti, K. Ganjam: TEGRA: Table Extraction by Global Record Alignment In Proceedings of Sigmod, 2015. |
F. S. Parreiras, G. Groner D. Schwabe, F. de Freitas Silva: Towards a Marketplace of Open Source Software Data In Proceedings of HICSS, 2015. |
A. Chauhan, V. Vijayakumarb, R. Ragalac: Towards a multi-level upper ontology-foundation ontology framework as background knowledge for ontology matching problem Procedia Computer Science, 2015. |
K. Sengupta, P. Hitzler: Towards Defeasible Mappings for Tractable Description Logics In Proceedings of ISWC, 2015. |
A. Essayeha, M. Abed: Towards ontology matching based system through terminological, structural and semantic level Procedia Computer Science, 2015. |
M. del Carmen Legaz-Garcia, M. Menarguez-Tortosa, J. T. Fernandez-Breis, C. G. Chute, C. Tao: Transformation of standardized clinical models based on OWL technologies: from CEM to OpenEHR archetypes Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2015. |
J. Wang, G. Li, D. Deng, Y. Zhang, J. Feng: Two Birds With One Stone: An Efficient Hierarchical Framework for Top-k and Threshold-based String Similarity Search In Proceedings of ICDE, 2015. |
2014 |
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M. Sadoghi, H. Jacobsen: Adaptive Parallel Compressed Event Matching In Proceedings of ICDE, 2014. |
F. Schadd, N. Roos: A Feature Selection Approach for Anchor Evaluation in Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of KESW, 2014. |
R. Winnenburg, O. Bodenreider: A Framework for Assessing the Consistency of Drug Classes across Sources Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2014. |
J. Fany, M. Luy, B. C. Ooiy, W.-C. Tanx, M. Zhangy: A Hybrid Machine-Crowdsourcing System for Matching Web Tables In Proceedings of ICDE, 2014. |
L. Qiu, Y. Liu: An Effective Approach to Fuzzy Ontologies Alignment IJDTA, 2014. |
G. Diallo: An effective method of large scale ontology matching Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2014. |
M. Mahfoudh, L. Thiry, G. Forestier, M. Hassenforder: Algebraic Graph Transformations for Merging Ontologies In Proceedings of MEDI, 2014. |
M. Fiorelli, M. Pazienza, A. Stellato: A Meta-data Driven Platform for Semi-automatic Configuration of Ontology Mediators In Proceedings of LREC, 2014. |
G. Ding, K. Cao, G. Wang, D. Han: Appearance-Order-Based Schema Matching Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, 2014. |
A. Dutta, C. Meilicke, S. P. Ponzetto: A Probabilistic Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources In Proceedings of ESWC, 2014. |
T. Chahira, B. Moussa, L. Yahia: Boosting Ontology Alignment Extraction with flow theory In Proceedings of ICAIIT, 2014. |
Y. Zeng, Z. Bao, T. W. Ling, H.V. Jagadish, G. Li: Breaking out of the MisMatch Trap In Proceedings of ICDE, 2014. |
W. Hu, C. Jia, L. Wan, L. He, L. Zhou, Y. Qu: CAMO: Integration of Linked Open Data for Multimedia Metadata Enrichment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2014. |
V. Singh, P. Joshi, S. Mandhan: Concept integration using edit distance and n-gram match IJDMS, 2014. |
M. Cheatham, P. Hitzler: Conference v2.0: An uncertain version of the OAEI Conference benchmark In Proceedings of ISWC, 2014. |
C. Gokhale, S. Das, A. Doan, J. F. Naughton, N. Rampalli, J. Shavlik, X. Zhu: Corleone: Hands-Off Crowdsourcing for Entity Matching In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2014. |
A. Locoro, J. David, J. Euzenat: Context-based matching: design of a flexible framework and experiment JoDS, 2014. |
M. Volkovs, F. Chiang, J. Szlichta, R. Miller: Continuous Data Cleaning In Proceedings of ICDE, 2014. |
F. Duchateau, Z. Bellahsene: Designing a Benchmark for the Assessment of Schema Matching Tools OJDB, 2014. |
A. Solimando, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, G. Guerrini: Detecting and Correcting Conservativity Principle Violations in Ontology-to-Ontology Mappings In Proceedings of ISWC, 2014. |
D. Saveliovsky, J. Zhou, Y. Yan: Detecting Semantic Matching in Service Oriented System Integration In Proceedings of Services, 2014. |
T. Sabbah, A. Selamat, M. Ashraf, T. Herawan: Effect of thesaurus size on schema matching quality Knowledge-Based Systems, 2014. |
J. Sleeman, Tim Finin, A. Joshi: Entity Type Recognition for Heterogeneous Semantic Graphs AI Magazine, 2014. |
P. Arnold, E. Rahm: Extracting Semantic Concept Relations from Wikipedia In Proceedings of WIMS, 2014. |
C. Song, T. Ge, C. Chen, J. Wang: Event Pattern Matching over Graph Streams In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2014. |
D. Xu, G. Cheng, Y. Qu: Facilitating Human Intervention in Coreference Resolution with Comparative Entity Summaries In Proceedings of ESWC, 2014. |
F. Jauro, S.B. Junaidu, S.E. Abdullahi: Falcon-AO++: An Improved Ontology Alignment System International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014. |
M. Maaroufi, R. Choquet, P. Landais, M.-C. Jaulent: Formalizing Mappings to Optimize Automated Schema Alignment: Application to Rare Diseases e-Health – For Continuity of Care, 2014. |
X. Luna Dong, E. Gabrilovich, G. Heitz, W. Horn, K. Murphy, S. Sun, W. Zhang: From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion In Proceedings of VLDB, 2014. |
A. Grycner, G. Weikum: HARPY: Hypernyms and Alignment of Relational Paraphrases Proceedings of COLING, 2014. |
C. Pinkel, C. Binnig, P. Haase, C. Martin, K. Sengupta, J. Trame: How to Best Find a Partner? An Evaluation of Editing Approaches to Construct R2RML Mappings? In Proceedings of ESWC, 2014. |
D. Dinh, J. C. Dos Reis, C. Pruski, M. Da Silveira, C. Reynaud: Identifying change patterns of concept attributes in ontology evolution In Proceedings of ESWC, 2014. |
A. Gruenheid, X. Luna Dong, D. Srivastava: Incremental Record Linkage In Proceedings of VLDB, 2014. |
S. Gong, W. Hu, Y. Qu: Leveraging Distributed Human Computation and Consensus Partition for Entity Coreference In Proceedings of ESWC, 2014. |
C. Klinkmuller, H. Leopold, I. Weber, J. Mendling, A. Ludwig: Listen to me: Improving Process Model Matching through User Feedback In Proceedings of BPM, 2014. |
M. Cochez: Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Massive String-Based Ontology Matching In Proceedings of WI-IAT, 2014. |
F. Geerts, G. Mecca, P. Papotti, D. Santoro: Mapping and Cleaning In Proceedings of ICDE, 2014. |
X. Zhu, S. Song, J. Wang, P. S. Yu, J. Sun: Matching Heterogeneous Events with Patterns In Proceedings of ICDE, 2014. |
Y.-H. Chiang A. Doan J. Naughton: Modeling Entity Evolution for Temporal Record Matching In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2014. |
A. Bosca, M. Casu, M. Dragoni, A. Rexha: Modeling, Managing, Exposing, and Linking Ontologies with a Wiki-based Tool In Proceedings of LREC, 2014. |
T. Payne, V. Tamma: Negotiating over Ontological Correspondences with Asymmetric and Incomplete Knowledge In Proceedings of AAMAS, 2014. |
W. Ali Khan, K. Hee, M. Bilal Amin, A. Masood Khattak, M. Hussain, M. Afzal, S. Lee, E. Soo Kim: Object Oriented and Ontology Alignment Patterns based Expressive Mediation Bridge Ontology (MBO) Journal of Information Science, 2014. |
B. Zapilko, B. Mathiak: Object Property Matching utilizing the Overlap between Imported Ontologies In Proceedings of ESWC, 2014. |
D. Park, S. Park: Ontology Mapping for Enhanced Interoperability of S-100 Geographic Information Registers IJSEIA, 2014. |
G. Konstantinidis, J. L. Ambite: Optimizing the Chase: Scalable Data Integration under Constraints In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2014. |
I. F. Cruz, F. Loprete, M. Palmonari, C. Stroe, A. Taheri: Pay-As-You-Go Multi-User Feedback Model for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of EKAW, 2014. |
M. Hamdaqa, L. Tahvildari: Prison Break: A Generic Schema Matching Solution to the Cloud Vendor Lock-in Problem In Proceedings of MESOCA, 2014. |
K. Sengupta, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz: Revisiting default description logics and their role in aligning ontologies In Proceedings JIST, 2014. |
S. Raunich, E. Rahm: Target-driven merging of taxonomies with ATOM Information Systems, 2014. |
E. Raada, J. Evermann: The Role of Analogy in Ontology Alignment: A Study on LISA Cognitive Systems Research, 2014. |
R. Berardi, M. Schiessl, M. Thimm, M. Casanova: The Role of Design Rationale in the Ontology Matching Step during the Triplification of Relational Databases In Proceedings of DEXA, 2014. |
E. Mena: The Role of Ontologies in Intelligent Information Systems In Proceedings of IAC-EIaT, 2014. |
D. Faria, E. Jimenez-Ruiz, C. Pesquita, E. Santos, F. Couto: Towards annotating potential incoherences in BioPortal mappings In Proceedings of ISWC, 2014. |
C. Pesquita, D. Faria, E. Santos, J. Neefs, F. Couto: Towards visualizing the alignment of large biomedical ontologies In Proceedings of DILS, 2014. |
Y. H. Chiang, A. Doan, J. Naughton: Tracking Entities in the Dynamic World: A Fast Algorithm for Matching Temporal Records In Proceedings of VLDB, 2014. |
A. Essaid, A. Martin, G. Smits, B. Ben Yaghlane: Uncertainty in Ontology Matching: a Decision Rule-based Approach In Proceedings of IPMU, 2014. |
A. Ngomo, M. Sherif, K. Lyko: Unsupervised Link Discovery Through Knowledge Base Repair In Proceedings of ESWC, 2014. |
B. Severo, C. Trojahn, R. Vieira: VOAR: A Visual and Integrated Ontology Alignment Environment In Proceedings of LREC, 2014. |
F. Schadd, N. Roos: Word-Sense Disambiguation for Ontology Mapping: Concept Disambiguation using Virtual Documents and Information Retrieval Techniques JoDS, 2014. |
2013 |
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M. Wimmer, P. Langer: A Benchmark for Model Matching Systems: The Heterogeneous Metamodel Case Softwaretechnik-Trends, 2013. |
Z. Yan, N. Zheng, Z. Ives, P. P. Talukdar, C. Yu: Actively Soliciting Feedback for Query Answers in Keyword Search Based Data Integration In Proceedings of VLDB, 2013. |
F. Duchateau: A Generic and Flexible Framework for Selecting Correspondences in Matching and Alignment Problems In Proceedings of DATA, 2013. |
E. Demidova, I. Oelze, W. Nejdl: Aligning Freebase with the YAGO Ontology In Proceedings of CIKM, 2013. |
H. Al-Feel, R. Schafermeier, A. Paschke: An Inter-lingual Reference Approach For Multi-Lingual Ontology Matching IJCSI, 2013. |
M. Cotterell, T. Medina: A Markov Model for Ontology Alignment CoRR, 2013. |
F. Schadd, N. Roos: Anchor-Profiles for Ontology Mapping with Partial Alignments In Proceedings of SCAI, 2013. |
X. Zhao, C. Xiao, X. Lin, Q. Liu, W. Zhang: A Partition-Based Approach to Structure Similarity Search VLDBJ, 2013. |
P. Petrov, M. Krachunov, D. Vassilev: A Semi-Automated Approach for Anatomical Ontology Mapping Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 2013. |
P. Lambrix, R. Kaliyaperumal: A Session-based Approach for Aligning Large Ontologies In Proceedings of ESWC, 2013. |
B. Suntisrivaraporn: A Similarity Measure for the Description Logic EL with Unfoldable Terminologies In Proceedings of INCoS, 2013. |
M. Platenius, M. von Detten, S. Becker, W. Schafer, G. Engels: A Survey of Fuzzy Service Matching Approaches in the Context of On-The-Fly Computing In Proceedings of CBSE, 2013. |
V. Ivanova, P. Lambrix: A Unified Approach for Aligning Taxonomies and Debugging Taxonomies and their Alignments In Proceedings of ESWC, 2013. |
P. Lambrix, V. Ivanova: A unified approach for debugging is-a structure and mappings in networked taxonomies Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2013. |
J.-F. Ethier, O. Dameron, V. Curcin, M. McGilchrist, R. A. Verheij, T. Arvanitis, A. Taweel, B. Delaney, A. Burgun: A unified structural/terminological interoperability framework based on LexEVS: application to TRANSFoRm JAMIA, 2013. |
I. Cruz, M. Palmonari, F. Caimi, C. Stroe: Building linked ontologies with high precision using subclass mapping discovery Artificial Intelligence Review, 2013. |
N. Q. Viet Hung, X. H. Luong, Z. Miklos, T. T. Quan, K. Aberer: Collaborative Schema Matching Reconciliation In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2013. |
B. Pereira Nunes, S. Dietze, M. Casanova, R. Kawase, B. Fetahu, W. Nejdl: Combining a co-occurrence-based and a semantic measure for entity linking In Proceedings of ESWC, 2013. |
A. Gal, M. Katz, T. Sagi, M. Weidlich, K. Aberer, N. Q. Viet Hung, Z. Miklos, E. Levy, V. Shafran: Completeness and Ambiguity of Schema Cover In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2013. |
B. Nunes, A. Mera, M. Casanova, B. Fetahu, L. Leme, S. Dietze: Complex Matching of RDF Datatype Properties In Proceedings of DEXA, 2013. |
M. Hartung, A. Gross, E. Rahm: Composition Methods for Link Discovery In Proceedings of BTW, 2013. |
O. Hassanzadeh, K. Q. Pu, S. H. Yeganeh, R. J. Miller, L. Popa, M. Hernandez, H. Ho: Discovering Linkage Points over Web Data In Proceedings of VLDB, 2013. |
M. Xu, Z. Wang, R. Bie, J. Li, C. Zheng, W. Ke, M. Zhou: Discovering Missing Semantic Relations Between Entities in Wikipedia In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
A. Ferrara, A. Nikolov, J. Noessner, F. Scharffe: Evaluation of Instance Matching Tools: The Experience of OAEI JWS, 2013. |
D. Ritze, H. Paulheim, K. Eckert: Evaluation Measures for Ontology Matchers in Supervised Matching Scenarios In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
M. Arenas, E. Botoeva, D. Calvanese, V. Ryzhikov: Exchanging OWL 2 QL Knowledge Bases In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2013. |
R. Wannous, C. Trojahn: Explaining Argumentation over Alignment Agreements In Proceedings of WI-IAT, 2013. |
L. A. P. Paes Leme, G. R. Lopes, B. P. Nunes, M. A. Casanova, S. Dietze: Identifying candidate datasets for data interlinking In Proceedings of ICWE, 2013. |
P. Bernstein, M. Jacob, J. Pérez, G. Rull, J. Terwilliger: Incremental Mapping Compilation in an Object-to-Relational Mapping System In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2013. |
C. Klinkmuller, I. Weber, J. Mendling, H. Leopold, A. Ludwig: Increasing Recall of Process Model Matching by Improved Activity Label Matching In Proceedings of BPM, 2013. |
B. Fu, N. Noy, M.-A. Storey: Indented Tree or Graph? A Usability Study of Ontology Visualization Techniques in the Context of Class Mapping Evaluation In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
M. Zhang, K. Chakrabarti: InfoGather+: Semantic Matching and Annotation Numeric and Time-Varying Attributes in Web Tables In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2013. |
A. Canito, P. Maio, N. Silva: Improved Relaxation-based Ontology Matching Negotiation In Proceedings of iiWAS, 2013. |
P. Maio, N. Silva, J. Cardoso: Iterative, Incremental and Evolving EAF-based Negotiation Process Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2013. |
C. Pinkel: Interactive Pay as you go Relational-to-Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
J. Li, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, J. Tang: Large Scale Instance Matching via Multiple Indexes and Candidate Selection Knowledge-Based Systems, 2013. |
Q. Cai, A. Yates: Large-scale Semantic Parsing via Schema Matching and Lexicon Extension In Proceedings of ACL, 2013. |
G. Barabucci, A. Di Iorio, F. Poggi: Legal datasets integration: keep it simple, keep it real SWJ, 2013. |
B. Rance, M. Snyder, J. Lewis, O. Bodenreider: Leveraging Terminological Resources for Mapping between Rare Disease Information Sources MedInfo, 2013. |
P. Geesaman, J. Cordy, A. Zouaq: Light-Weight Ontology Alignment using Best-Match Clone Detection In Proceedings of IWCS, 2013. |
D. Nikovski, A. Esenther, X. Ye, M. Shiba, S. Takayama: Matcher Composition Methods for Automatic Schema Matching In Proceedings of Enterprise Information Systems, 2013. |
H. Du, N. Alechina, M. Jackson, G. Hart: Matching Formal and Informal Geospatial Ontologies In Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe, 2013. |
V. Svatek, M. Vacura, M. Homola, J. Kluka: Mapping Structural Design Patterns in OWL to Ontological Background Models In Proceedings of K-CAP, 2013. |
M. Bertone, I. Miko, M. Yoder, K. Seltmann, J. Balhoff, A. Deans: Matching arthropod anatomy ontologies to the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology: results from a manual alignment Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2013. |
N. Q. Viet Hung, T. K. Wijaya, Z. Miklos, K. Aberer, E. Levy, V. Shafran, A. Gal, M. Weidlich: Minimizing Human Effort in Reconciling Match Networks In Proceedings of ER, 2013. |
L. Seremeti, I. Kougias: Networks of Aligned Ontologies Through a Category Theoretic Approach Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 2013. |
G. de Melo: Not Quite the Same: Identity Constraints for theWeb of Linked Data In Proceedings of AAAI, 2013. |
E. Ioannou, N. Rassadko, Y. Velegrakis: On Generating Benchmark Data for Entity Matching JoDS, 2013. |
S. Fernandez, I. Marsa-Maestre, J. R. Velasco, B. Alarcos: Ontology Alignment Architecture for Semantic Sensor Web Integration Sensors, 2013. |
J. Euzenat, M.-E. Rosoiu, C. Trojahn: Ontology matching benchmarks: generation, stability, and discriminability JWS, 2013. |
D. Ngo, Z. Bellahsene, K. Todorov: Opening the Black Box of Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ESWC, 2013. |
M. Hartung, L. Kolb, A. Gross, E. Rahm: Optimizing Similarity Computations for Ontology Matching - Experiences from GOMMA In Proceedings of DILS, 2013. |
A. Tian, J. Sequeda, D. Miranker: QODI: Query as Context in Automatic Data Integration In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo: ORCHID – Reduction-Ratio-Optimal Computation of Geo-Spatial Distances for Link Discovery In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
D. Wijaya, P. P. Talukdar, T. Mitchell: PIDGIN: Ontology Alignment using Web Text as Interlingua In Proceedings of CIKM, 2013. |
D. Calvanese, G. De Giacomo, M. Lenzerini, M. Vardi: Query Processing under GLAV Mappings for Relational and Graph Databases In Proceedings of VLDB, 2013. |
G. R. Lopes, L. A. P. Paes Leme, B. P. Nunes, M. A. Casanova, S. Dietze: Recommending Tripleset Interlinking through a Social Network Approach In Proceedings of WISE, 2013. |
C. Zhang, L. Chen, H. V. Jagadish, C. C. Cao: Reducing Uncertainty of Schema Matching via Crowdsourcing In Proceedings of VLDB, 2013. |
M. Giese, D. Calvanese, P. Haase, I. Horrocks, Y. Ioannidis, H. Kllapi, M. Koubarakis, M. Lenzerini, R. Moller, O. Ozcep, M. Rodriguez Muro, R. Rosati, R. Schlatte, M. Schmidt, A. Soylu, A. Waaler: Scalable End-user Access to Big Data In Big Data Computing, 2013. |
T. Kwiatkowski, E. Choi, Y. Artzi, L. Zettlemoyer: Scaling Semantic Parsers with On-the-fly Ontology Matching In Proceedings of EMNLP, 2013. |
T. Sagi, A. Gal: Schema Matching Prediction with Applications to Data Source Discovery and Dynamic Ensembling VLDBJ, 2013. |
P. Arnold, E. Rahm: Semantic Enrichment of Ontology Mappings: A Linguistic-based Approach In Proceedings of ADBIS, 2013. |
H. Elasri, A. Sekkaki: Semantic integration process of business components to support information system designers IJWesT, 2013. |
S. Gillani, M. Naeem, R. Habibullah, A. Qayyum: Semantic Schema Matching Using DBpedia IJISA, 2013. |
A. Gross, J. C. Dos Reis, M. Hartung, C. Pruski, E. Rahm: Semi-Automatic Adaptation of Mappings between Life Science Ontologies In Proceedings of DILS, 2013. |
S. Lacoste-Julien, K. Palla, A. Davies, G. Kasneci, T. Graepel, Z. Ghahramani: SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases In Proceedings of KDD, 2013. |
Z. Zhang, A. L. Gentile, E. Blomqvist, I. Augenstein, F. Ciravegna: Statistical Knowledge Patterns: Identifying Synonymous Relations in Large Linked Datasets In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
M. Cheatham, P. Hitzler: String Similarity Metrics for Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
M. Mehdi Keikha, M. Ali Nematbakhsh, B. Tork Ladani: Structural Weights In Ontology Matching IJWesT, 2013. |
D. Faria, C. Pesquit, E. Santos, M. Palmonari, I. Cruz, F. Couto: The AgreementMakerLight Ontology Matching System In Proceedings of OTM, 2013. |
F. M. Couto, H. S. Pinto: The Next Generation of Similarity Measures that fully explore the Semantics in Biomedical Ontologies Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2013. |
H. Paulheim, S. Hertling, D. Ritze: Towards Evaluating Interactive Ontology Matching Tools In Proceedings of ESWC, 2013. |
P. Arocena, B. Glavic, R. Miller: Value Invention in Data Exchange In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2013. |
C. Pesquita, D. Faria, C. Stroe, E. Santos, I. Cruz, F. Couto: What's in a 'nym'? Synonyms in Biomedical Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ISWC, 2013. |
A. Ngonga Ngomo, L. Kolb, N. Heino, M. Hartung, S. Auer, E. Rahm: When to Reach for the Cloud: Using Parallel Hardware for Link Discovery In Proceedings of ESWC, 2013. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, K. Srinivas, M. Mao, E. Jiménez-Ruiz (eds.): Ontology Matching (OM-2013) Proceedings of the ISWC'13 International Workshop OM-2013. |
2012 |
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B. Fu, R. Brennan, D. O'Sullivan: A Configurable Translation-Based Cross-Lingual Ontology Mapping System to adjust Mapping Outcome JWS, 2012. |
M. Atencia, A. Borgida, J. Euzenat, C. Ghidini, L. Serafini: A formal semantics for weighted ontology mappings In Proceedings of ISWC, 2012. |
K. H. Shafaamri, J. O. Atoum: A Framework for Improving the Performance of Ontology Matching Techniques in Semantic Web IJACSA, 2012. |
M. Hermans, F. Schadd: A Generalization of the Winkler Extension and its Application for Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of BNAIC, 2012. |
M. Gawich, A. Badr, H. Ismael, A. Hegazy: Alternative Approaches for Ontology Matching International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012. |
L. Nederstigt, D. Vandic, F. Frasincar: An Automated Approach to Product Taxonomy Mapping in E-commerce In Proceedings of ISMIS, 2012. |
S. Rong, X. Niu, E. Xiang, H. Wang, Q. Yang, Y. Yu: A Machine Learning Approach for Instance Matching Based on Similarity Metrics In Proceedings of ISWC, 2012. |
P. Petrov, M. Krachounov, E. van Ophuizen, D. Vassilev: An algorithmic approach to inferring cross-ontology links while mapping anatomical ontologies Serdica Journal of Computing, 2012. |
L. Vaccari, P. Shvaiko, J. Pane, P. Besana, M. Marchese: An evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applications GeoInformatica, 2012. |
P. H. R. de Assis, A. H. F. Laender: An Instance-based Learning Approach for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SBBD, 2012. |
M. Atencia, M. Schorlemmer: An Interaction-Based Approach to Semantic Alignment Journal of Web Semantics, 2012. |
N. Chen, J. He, C. Yang, C. Wang: A node semantic similarity schema matching method for multi-version Web Coverage Service retrieval International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2012. |
S. Hasan, S. O'Riain, E. Curry: Approximate Semantic Matching of Heterogeneous Events In Proceedings of DEBS, 2012 |
E. Peukert, J. Eberius, E. Rahm: A Self-Configuring Schema Matching System In Proceedings of ICDE, 2012. |
C. Gueret, P. Groth, C. Stadler, J. Lehmann: Assessing Linked Data Mappings using Network Measures In Proceedings of ESWC, 2012. |
H. Stuckenschmidt, J. Noessner, F. Fallahi: A Study in User-centric Data Integration In Proceedings of ICEIS, 2012. |
M. M. Hussain, S.K. Srivatsa: A Study of Different Ontology Matching Systems International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012. |
I. Cruz, A. Fabiani, F. Caimi, C. Stroe, M. Palmonari: Automatic Configuration Selection Using Ontology Matching Task Profiling In Proceedings of ESWC, 2012. |
V. Mascardi, A. Locoro: BOwL: Exploiting Boolean Operators and Lesk Algorithm for Linking Ontologies In Proceedings of SAC, 2012. |
H. Liu, D. Dou, H. Wang: Breaking the Deadlock: Simultaneously Discovering Attribute Matching and Cluster Matching with Multi-Objective Metaheuristics JoDS, 2012. |
P. Maio, N. Silva: Combining Relaxation and Argumentation in Ontology Matching Negotiation In Proceedings of INFORUM, 2012. |
F. Giunchiglia, V. Maltese, A. Autayeu: Computing minimal mappings between lightweight ontologies International Journal on Digital Libraries, 2012. |
F. Lin, K. Sandkuhl, S. Xu: Context-based Ontology Matching: Concept and Application Cases JUCS, 2012. |
H. Saitwal, D. Qing, S. Jones, E. V. Bernstam, C. G. Chute, T. R. Johnson: Cross-terminology mapping challenges: A demonstration using medication terminological systems Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2012. |
C. Sarasua, E. Simperl, N. Noy: CROWDMAP: Crowdsourcing Ontology Alignment with Microtasks In Proceedings of ISWC, 2012. |
L. Kolb, A. Thor, E. Rahm: Dedoop: Efficient Deduplication with Hadoop Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2012. |
J. Bock, J. Hettenhausen: Discrete Particle Swarm Optimisation for Ontology Alignment Information Sciences, 2012. |
K. Slabbekoorn, L. Hollink, G. Houben: Domain-aware Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ISWC, 2012. |
M. Yakout, K. Ganjam, K. Chakrabarti, S. Chaudhuri: InfoGather: Entity Augmentation and Attribute Discovery By Holistic Matching with Web Tables In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2012. |
A. Polyvyanyy, M. Weidlich, M. Weske: Isotactics as a Foundation for Alignment and Abstraction of Behavioral Models In Proceedings of BPM, 2012. |
S. Duan, A. Fokoue, O. Hassanzadeh, A. Kementsietsidis, K. Srinivas, M. Ward: Instance-Based Matching of Large Ontologies Using Locality-Sensitive Hashing In Proceedings of ISWC, 2012. |
K. Nguyen, R. Ichise, B. Le: Interlinking Linked Data Sources Using a Domain-Independent System In Proceedings of JIST, 2012. |
A. Ngonga Ngomo, K. Lyko: EAGLE: Efficient Active Learning of Link Specifications using Genetic Programming In Proceedings of ESWC, 2012. |
N. A. Chowdhury, D. Dou: Evaluating Ontology Matchers Using Arbitrary Ontologies and Human Generated Heterogeneities In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2012. |
A. Locoro, V. Mascardi, A. Scapolla: Evolving and Validating Annotations in Web-based Collaborative Environments through Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SAC, 2012. |
F. Duchateau, N. Takhirov, T. Aalberg: FRBRPedia: a Tool for FRBRizing Web products and Linking FRBR Entities to DBpedia In Proceedings of JCDL, 2012. |
Anika Gross, Michael Hartung, Andreas Thor, Erhard Rahm: How do Ontology Mappings Change in the Life Sciences? CoRR, 2012. |
U. Thayasivam, P. Doshi: Improved Convergence of Iterative Ontology Alignment Using Block-Coordinate Descent In Proceedings of AAAI, 2012. |
B. Schopman, S. Wang, A. Isaac, S. Schlobach: Instance-Based Ontology Matching by Instance Enrichment JoDS, 2012. |
I. Cruz, C. Stroe, M. Palmonari: Interactive User Feedback in Ontology Matching Using Signature Vectors In Proceedings of ICDE, 2012. |
M. Atencia, J. David, F. Scharffe: Keys and Pseudo-Keys Detection for Web Datasets Cleansing and Interlinking In Proceedings of EKAW, 2012. |
E. Jimenez-Ruiz, B. Grau, Y. Zhou, I. Horrocks: Large-scale Interactive Ontology Matching: Algorithms and Implementation In Proceedings of ECAI, 2012. |
R. Isele, C. Bizer: Learning Expressive Linkage Rules using Genetic Programming In Proceedings of VLDB, 2012. |
U. Hassan, S. O'Riain, E. Curry: Leveraging Matching Dependencies for Guided User Feedback in Linked Data Applications In Proceedings of IIWEB, 2012. |
C. Bohm, G. de Melo, F. Naumann, G. Weikum: LINDA: Distributed Web-of-Data-Scale Entity Matching In Proceedings of CIKM, 2012. |
A. Ngonga: Link Discovery with Guaranteed Reduction Ratio in Affine Spaces with Minkowski Measures In Proceedings of ISWC, 2012. |
K. Saruladha, G. Aghila, B. Sathiya: LOMPT: An efficient and Scalable Ontology Matching Algorithm In Proceeding of ICMOC, 2012. |
A. Gal, T. Sagi, M. Weidlich, E. Levy, V. Shafran, Z. Miklos, N. Q. V. Hung: Making Sense of Top-K Matchings: A Unified Match Graph for Schema Matching In Proceedings of IIWEB, 2012. |
T. Nguyen, V. Moreira, H. Nguyen, H. Nguyen, J. Freire: Multilingual Schema Matching for Wikipedia Infoboxes PVLDB, 2012. |
T. Sagi, A. Gal: Non-Binary Evaluation for Schema Matching In Proceedings of ER, 2012. |
C. Zhang, R. Hoffmann, D. Weld: Ontological Smoothing for Relation Extraction with Minimal Supervision In Proceedings of AAAI, 2012. |
F. M. Hassan, I. Ghani, M. Faheem: Ontology Matching Approaches for eRecruitment International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012. |
M. Keshavarz, Y.-H. Lee: Ontology matching by using ConceptNet In Proceedings of APIEMS, 2012. |
F. M. Suchanek, S. Abiteboul, Pierre Senellart: PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema PVLDB, 2012. |
H. Leopold, M. Niepert, M. Weidlich, J. Mendling, R. Dijkman, H. Stuckenschmidt: Probabilistic Optimization of Semantic Process Model Matching In Proceedings of BPM, 2012. |
Li Qian, M. Cafarella, H. Jagadish: Sample-Driven Schema Mapping In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2012. |
S. S. Aanen, L. J. Nederstigt, D. Vandic, F. Frasincar: SCHEMA - An Algorithm for Automated Product Taxonomy Mapping in E-commerce In Proceedings of ESWC, 2012. |
M. Shenoy, K. Shet, U. Acharya: Secured ontology mapping IJWesT, 2012. |
S. Lacoste-Julien, K. Palla, A. Davies, G. Kasneci, T. Graepel, Z. Ghahramani: SiGMa: Simple Greedy Matching for Aligning Large Knowledge Bases CoRR, 2012. |
P. Papadimitriou, A. Fuxman: TACI: Taxonomy-Aware Catalog Integration TKDE, 2012 |
H. Kopcke, A. Thor, S. Thomas, E. Rahm: Tailoring entity resolution for matching product offers In Proceedings of EDBT, 2012 |
A. Khattak, Z. Pervez, K. Latif, S. Lee: Time efficient reconciliation of mappings in dynamic web ontologies Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012 |
A. Nikolov, M. d'Aquin, E. Motta: Unsupervised data linking using a genetic algorithm In Proceedings of ESWC, 2012. |
V. Sabol, W. Kow, M. Rauch, E. Ulbrich, C. Seifert, M. Granitzer, D. Lukose: Visual Ontology Alignment System – An Evaluation In Proceedings of SIGRAD, 2012. |
O. Khriyenko, V. Terziyan, O. Kaikova: User-assisted Semantic Interoperability in Internet of Things: Visually-facilitated Ontology Alignment through Visually-enriched Ontology and Thing Descriptions In Proceedings of UBICOMM, 2012. |
C. Kingkaew: Using Unstructured Documents as Background Knowledge for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of IMLCS, 2012. |
D. Ngo, Z. Bellahsene: YAM++ : A multi-strategy based approach for Ontology matching task In Proceedings of EKAW, 2012. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, A. Kementsietsidis, M. Mao, N. Noy, H. Stuckenschmidt (eds.): Ontology Matching (OM-2012) Proceedings of the ISWC'12 International Workshop OM-2012. |
2011 |
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A. Algergawy, S. Massmann, E. Rahm: A Clustering-based Approach For Large-scale Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ADBIS, 2011. |
S. Duan, A. Fokoue, K. Srinivas, B. Byrne: A Clustering-based Approach to Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2011. |
A. Caleb, A. Rotimi, O. Lawrence, A. Adepeju: A Collaborative Algorithm for Ontological Matching in E-Learning Courseware Domain Knowledge Network IJCSI, 2011. |
K. Saruladha, G. Aghila, B. Sathiya: A Comparative Analysis of Ontology and Schema Matching Systems IJCA, 2011. |
D. Ngo, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta: A Flexible System for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of CAISE Forum, 2011. |
K. Todorov, P. Geibel, C. Hudelot: A Framework for a Fuzzy Matching between Multiple Domain Ontologies In Proceedings of KES, 2011. |
D. Ngo, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta: A Generic Approach for Combining Linguistic and Context Profile Metrics in Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2011. |
V. Cross, C. Stroe, X. Hu, P. Silwal, M. Panahiazar, I. Cruz, P. Parikh, and A. Sheth: Aligning the Parasite Experiment Ontology and the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations Using AgreementMaker In Proceedings of ICBO, 2011. |
M. Atencia, J. Euzenat, G. Pirro, M.-C. Rousset: Alignment-based Trust for Resource Finding in Semantic P2P Networks In Proceedings of ISWC, 2011. |
D. Spohr, L. Hollink, P. Cimiano: A Machine Learning Approach to Multilingual and Cross-lingual Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ISWC, 2011. |
E. Peukert, J. Eberius, E. Rahm: AMC – A Framework for Modelling and Comparing Matching Systems as Matching Processes In Proceedings of ICDE, 2011. |
H. Belhadef: A new bidirectional method for ontologies matching In Proceedings of PEEA, 2011 |
C. Castellanos, D. Correal, F. Murcia: An Ontology-Matching based Proposal to Detect Potential Redundancies on Enterprise Architectures JCC, 2011 |
J. Kim, Y. Peng, N. Ivezic, J. Shin: An Optimization Approach for Semantic-based XML Schema Matching IJTEF, 2011. |
K. Zamanifar, F. Alamiyan: A New Similarity Measure for Instance Data Matching In Proceedings of CSIT, 2011. |
F. Duchateau, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta: Appendix: Matching and Alignment: What is the Cost of User Post-match Effort? In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2011. |
W. Hu, J. Chen, Y. Qu: A Self-Training Approach for Resolving Object Coreference on the Semantic Web In Proceedings of WWW, 2011. |
S. Raunich, E. Rahm: ATOM: Automatic Target-driven Ontology Merging In Proceedings of ICDE, 2011. |
N. Maiz, M. Fahad, O. Boussaid, F. Bentayeb: Automatic Ontology Merging by Hierarchical Clustering and Inference Mechanisms In Proceedings of I-KNOW, 2011. |
D. Song, J. Heflin: Automatically Generating Data Linkages Using a Domain-Independent Candidate Selection Approach In Proceedings of ISWC, 2011. |
X. Li, C. Quix, D. Kensche, S. Geisler, L. Guo: Automatic Generation of Mediated Schemas Through Reasoning Over Data Dependencies In Proceedings of ICDE, 2011. |
A. Ferrara, S. Montanelli, J. Noessner, H. Stuckenschmidt: Benchmarking Matching Applications on the Semantic Web In Proceedings of ESWC, 2011. |
Haishan Liu, Dejing Dou: Breaking the Deadlock: Simultaneously Discovering Attribute Matching and Cluster Matching with Multi-Objective Simulated Annealing In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2011. |
J. Noessner, M. Niepert, H. Stuckenschmidt: Coherent Top-k Ontology Alignment for OWL EL In Proceedings of SUM, 2011. |
P. Jain, P. Z. Yeh, K. Verma, R. G. Vasquez, M. Damova, P. Hitzler, Amit P. Sheth: Contextual Ontology Alignment of LOD with an Upper Ontology: A Case Study with Proton In Proceedings of ESWC, 2011. |
A. Ferrara, A. Nikolov, F. Scharffe: Data Linking for the Semantic Web IJSWIS, 2011. |
R. Tournaire, J.-M. Petit, M.-C. Rousset, A. Termier: Discovery of Probabilistic Mappings between Taxonomies: Principles and Experiments JoDS, 2011. |
B. Alexe, B. ten Cate, P. Kolaitis, W.-C. Tan: EIRENE: Interactive Design and Refinement of Schema Mappings via Data Examples PVLDB, 2011. |
D. Dey, V. S. Mookerjee, D. Liu: Efficient Techniques for Online Record Linkage TKDE, 2011. |
M. Walther, N. Jackel, D. Schuster, A. Schill: Enabling Product Comparisons on Unstructured Information Using Ontology Matching In Proceedings of AWIC, 2011. |
X. Niu, H. Wang, G. Wu, G. Qi, Y. Yu: Evaluating the Stability and Credibility of Ontology Matching Methods In Proceedings of ESWC, 2011. |
K. Chen, Akshay Kannan, J. Madhavan, A. Halevy: Exploring Schema Repositories with Schemr Sigmod Record, 2011. |
P. A. Bernstein, J. Madhavan, E. Rahm: Generic Schema Matching, Ten Years Later PVLDB, 2011. |
T. Kirsten, A. Gross, M. Hartung, E. Rahm: GOMMA: a component-based infrastructure for managing and analyzing life science ontologies and their evolution Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 2011. |
H. Vu, M.Benedikt: HOMES: A Higher Order Mapping Evaluation System PVLDB, 2011. |
W. Hu, J. Chen, H. Zhang, Y. Qu: How Matchable Are Four Thousand Ontologies on the Semantic Web In Proceedings of ESWC, 2011. |
C. F. Da Silva1, P. Hoffmann, P. Ghodous: Improve Business Interoperability Through Context-Based Ontology Reconciliation IJEBM, 2011. |
N. A. Chowdhury, D. Dou: Improving the Accuracy of Ontology Alignment through Ensemble Fuzzy Clustering In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2011. |
T. Vogel, F. Naumann: Instance-based 'one-to-some' Assignment of Similarity Measures to Attributes In Proceedings of OTM, 2011. |
S. Wang, A. Isaac, S. Schlobach, L. van der Meij, B. Schopman: Instance-based Semantic Interoperability in the Cultural Heritage SWJ, 2011. |
H. Elmeleegy, A. Elmagarmid, J. Lee: Leveraging Query Logs for Schema Mapping Generation in UMAP In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2011. |
T. Heath, C. Bizer: Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space Morgan & Claypool, 2011. |
E. Ioannou, W. Nejdl, C. Niederée, Y. Velegrakis: LinkDB: A Probabilistic Linkage Database System In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2011. |
E. Jimenez-Ruiz, B. C. Grau: LogMap: Logic-based and Scalable Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ISWC, 2011. |
P. Wang, Y. Zhou, B. Xu: Matching Large Ontologies Based on Reduction Anchors In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2011. |
J. Shamdasani, P. Bloodsworth, K. Munir, H. Rahmouni, R. McClatchey: MedMatch - Towards Domain Specific Semantic Matching In Proceedings of ICCS, 2011. |
N. Luz, N. Silva, P. Maio, P. Novais: Ontology Alignment through Argumentation In Proceedings of AAAI, 2011. |
A. Haddad, A. Selah: Ontology Alignment with FOAM++ Journal of Computer Applications, 2011. |
A. Nezhadi, B. Shadgar, A. Osareh: Ontology alignment using machine learning techniques IJCSIT, 2011. |
A. Secer, C. Sonmez, H. Aydin: Ontology mapping using bipartite graph IJPS, 2011. |
C. Hedeler, K. Belhajjame, N. W. Paton, A. A.A. Fernandes, S. M. Embury, L. Mao, C. Guo: Pay-As-You-Go Mapping Selection in Dataspaces In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2011. |
S. Vivekanandan, P. Marikkannu: Relation based Ontology Matching using Alignment Strategies IJCSE, 2011. |
R. Pichler, E. Sallinger, V. Savenkov: Relaxed Notions of Schema Mapping Equivalence Revisited In Proceedings of ICDT, 2011. |
A. Hogan, A. Zimmermann, J. Umbrich, A. Polleres, S. Decker: Scalable and Distributed Methods for Entity Matching, Consolidation and Disambiguation over Linked Data Corpora JWS, 2011. |
L. Javier Suarez, L. Antonio Rojas, J. Carlos Corrales, L. Albert Steller: Service discovery in ubiquitous computing environments In Proceedings of ICIW, 2011. |
D. Calvanese, G. De Giacomo, M. Lenzerini, M. Y. Vardi: Simplifying Schema Mappings In Proceedings of ICDT, 2011. |
B. Marnette, G. Mecca, P. Papotti, S. Raunich, D. Santoro: ++Spicy: an OpenSource Tool for Second Generation Schema Mapping and Data Exchange PVLDB, 2011. |
C. Quix, P. Roy, D. Kensche: Automatic Selection of Background Knowledge for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SWIM, 2011. |
Z. Wang, X. Zhang, L. Hou, J. Li: RiMOM2: A Flexible Ontology Matching Framework Proceedings of WebSci, 2011. |
J. David, J. Euzenat, F. Scharffe, C. Trojahn: The Alignment API 4.0 SWJ, 2011. |
M. Fahada, N. Moallaa, A. Bourasa: Towards ensuring Satisfiability of Merged Ontology In Proceedings of ICCS, 2011. |
A. Koster, J. Sabater-Mir1, M. Schorlemmer: Trust Alignment: A Sine Qua Non of Open Multi-agent Systems In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2011. |
K. Smith, P. Mork, L. Seligman, P. Leveille, B. Yost, M. Li, C. Wolf: Unity: Speeding the Creation of Community Vocabularies for Information Integration and Reuse In Proceedings of IRI, 2011. |
B. Fu, R. Brennan, D. O'Sullivan: Using Pseudo Feedback to Improve Cross-Lingual Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of ESWC, 2011. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, T. Heath, C. Quix, M. Mao, I. Cruz (eds.): Ontology Matching (OM-2011) Proceedings of the ISWC'11 International Workshop OM-2011. |
F. McNeill, H. Halpin, M. Chan (eds.): Proceedings of the workshop on discovering meaning on the go in large heterogeneous data (LHD-2011) Proceedings of the IJCAI'11 International Workshop LHD-2011. |
2010 |
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Y. Wang, W. Liu, D. Bell: A Concept Hierarchy based Ontology Mapping Approach In Proceedings of KSEM, 2010. |
G. Pirro, J. Euzenat: A Feature and Information Theoretic Framework for Semantic Similarity and Relatedness In Proceedings of ISWC, 2010. |
L. Magee: A Framework for Assessing Commensurability of Semantic Web Ontologies EJKM, 2010. |
B. Villanyi, P. Martinek, B. Szikora: A framework for schema matcher composition WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS, 2010. |
A. Farooq, M. J. Arshad, A. Shah: A Layered approach for Similarity Measurement between Ontologies Journal of American Science, 2010. |
A. Mazak, B. Schandl, M. Lanzenberger: align++ a heuristic-based method for approximating the mismatch-at-risk in schema-based ontology alignment In Proceedings of KEOD, 2010. |
F. Hamdi, B. Safar, C. Reynaud, H. Zargayouna: Alignment-based Partitioning of Large-scale Ontologies In Advances in Knowledge Discovery And Management, 2010. |
M. Mao, Y. Peng, M. Spring: An adaptive ontology mapping approach with neural network based constraint satisfaction Journal of Web Semantics, 2010. |
C. Trojahn, P. Quaresma, R. Vieira: An API for Multi-lingual Ontology Matching In Proceedings of LREC, 2010. |
A. Farooq, S. Ahsan, A. Shah: An Efficient Technique for Similarity Identification between Ontologies Journal of Computing, 2010. |
I. Akbari, M. Fathian: A novel algorithm for ontology matching Journal of Information Science, 2010. |
M. Niepert, C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt: A Probabilistic-Logical Framework for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of AAAI, 2010. |
G. Pirro, J. Euzenat: A Semantic Similarity Framework Exploiting Multiple Parts-of Speech In Proceedings of OTM, 2010. |
Y. Wang, W. Liu, D. Bell: A Structure-based Similarity Spreading Approach for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SUM, 2010. |
L. Po, S. Bergamaschi: Automatic Lexical Annotation Applied to the SCARLET Ontology Matcher In Proceedings of ACIIDS, 2010. |
P. P. Talukdar, Z. G. Ives, F. Pereira: Automatically Incorporating New Sources in Keyword Search-Based Data Integration In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2010. |
X. Li, C. Quix, D. Kensche, S. Geisler: Automatic Schema Merging Using Mapping Constraints Among Incomplete Sources In Proceedings of CIKM, 2010. |
L. van der Meij, A. Isaac, C. Zinn: A Web-Based Repository Service for Vocabularies and Alignments in the Cultural Heritage Domain In Proceedings of ESWC, 2010. |
R. Hoekstra, A. Lodder, F. van Harmelen: Case Frames as Contextual Mappings to Case Law in BestPortaln In Proceedings of JURIX, 2010. |
B. Alexe, P. G. Kolaitis, W.-C. Tan: Characterizing Schema Mappings via Data Examples In Proceedings of PODS, 2010. |
A. Algergawy, R. Nayak, N. Siegmund, V. Koppen, G. Saake: Combining Schema and Level-Based Matching for Web Service Discovery In Proceedings of ICWE, 2010. |
N. James, K. Todorov, C.Hudelot: Combining Visual and Textual Modalities for Multimedia Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SAMT, 2010. |
P. C. Arocena, A. Fuxman, R. J. Miller: Composing LocalAsView Mappings: Closure and Applications In Proceedings of ICDT, 2010. |
J. Huang, J. Dang: Context-Sensitive Ontology Matching in Electronic Business In Electronic Business Interoperability: Concepts, Opportunities and Challenges. IGI Global, 2010. |
G. Grahne, A. Onet: Data Correspondence, Exchange and Repair In Proceedings of ICDT, 2010. |
P. Doran, T. Payne, V. Tamma, I. Palmisano: Deciding Agent Orientation on Ontology Mappings In Proceedings of ISWC, 2010. |
M. Fahad, N. Moalla, A. Bouras, M. A. Qadir, M. Farukh: Disjoint-Knowledge Analysis and Preservation in Ontology Merging Process In Proceedings of ICSEA, 2010. |
J. Partyka, P. Parveen, L. Khan, B. Thuraisingham, S. Shekhar: Enhanced geographically typed semantic schema matching Journal of Web Semantics, 2010. |
H. Kopcke, A. Thor, E. Rahm: Evaluation of entity resolution approaches on real-world match problems In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2010. |
E. Beisswanger: Exploiting Relation Extraction for Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2010. |
K. Smith, C. Bonaceto, C. Wolf, B. Yost, M. Morse, P. Mork, D. Burdick: Exploring Schema Similarity At Multiple Resolutions In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2010. |
Z. Yang, J. Yu, M. Kitsuregawa: Fast Algorithms for Top-k Approximate String Matching In Proceedings of AAAI, 2010. |
Z. Yan, R. Dijkman, P. Grefen: Fast Business Process Similarity Search with Feature-Based Similarity Estimation In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2010. |
K. Belhajjame, N. W. Paton, S. M. Embury, A. A. Fernandes, C. Hedeler: Feedback-Based Annotation, Selection and Refinement of Schema Mappings for Dataspaces In Proceedings of EDBT, 2010. |
M. Arenas, J. P. J. Reutter, C. Riveros: Foundations of Schema Mapping Management In Proceedings of PODS, 2010. |
S. Araujo, G.-J. Houben, D. Schwabe, J. Hidders: Fusion – Visually Exploring and Eliciting Relationships in Linked Data In Proceedings of ISWC, 2010. |
A. Brasoveanu, A. Manolescu, M.N. Spînu: Generic Multimodal Ontologies for Human-Agent Interaction Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, 2010. |
B. Sanghvi, N. Koul, V. Honavar: Identifying and Eliminating Inconsistencies in Mappings across Hierarchical Ontologies In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2010. |
M. Chan, J. Lehmann, A. Bundy: Higher-order representation and reasoning for automated ontology evolution In Proceedings of KEOD, 2010. |
G. Parmentier, F. Bastian, M. Robinson-Rechavi: Homolonto: Generating homology relationships by pairwise alignment of ontologies and application to vertebrate anatomy Bioinformatics, 2010. |
H. Fujita, J. Hakura, M. Kurematsu: Human Interaction based Reasoning using Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of ACE, 2010. |
M. Hentschel, L. Haas, R. J. Miller: Just in time Data Integration in Action In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2010. |
A. Arasu, M. Götz, R. Kaushik: On Active Learning of Record Matching Packages In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2010. |
S. Amano, C. David, L. Libkin, F. Murlak: On the Tradeoff between Mapping and Querying Power in XML Data Exchange In Proceedings of ICDT, 2010. |
J. Huang, D. Dou, L. He, J. Dang, P. Hayes: Ontology-Based Knowledge Discovery and Sharing in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics: A Brief Survey In Proceedings of FSKD, 2010. |
K. Makris, N. Gioldasis, N. Bikakis, S. Christodoulakis: Ontology Mapping and SPARQL Rewriting for Querying Federated RDF Data Sources In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2010. |
L. Paes Leme, M. Casanova, K. Breitman, A. Furtado: OWL schema matching Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 2010. |
J. Noessner, M. Niepert, C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt: Leveraging Terminological Structure for Object Reconciliation In Proceedings of ESWC, 2010. |
Z. Zhen, J. Shen,J. Zhao, J. Qian: LiSTOMS: a Light-weighted Self-tuning Ontology Mapping System In Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM, 2010. |
R. Cheng, J. Gong, D. Cheung: Managing Uncertainty of XML Schema Matching In Proceedings of ICDE, 2010. |
B. Alexe, M. Hernandez, L. Popa, W.-C. Tan: MapMerge: Correlating Independent Schema Mappings In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2010. |
M. J. O'Connor, C. Halaschek-Wiener, M. A. Musen: Mapping Master: a Flexible Approach for Mapping Spreadsheets to OWL In Proceedings of ISWC 2010. |
R. Wisnesky, M. A. Hernández, L. Popa: Mapping Polymorphism In Proceedings of ICDT, 2010. |
K. Todorov, P. Geibel, K. Kuhnberger: Mining Concept Similarities for Heterogeneous Ontologies In Proceedings of ICDM, 2010. |
A. Locoro, V. Mascardi, A. M. Scapolla: NLP and ontology matching: a successful combination for trialogical learning In Proceedings of ICAART, 2010. |
S. Duan, A. Fokoue, K. Srinivas: One Size Does Not Fit All: Customizing Ontology Alignment using User Feedback In Proceedings of ISWC, 2010. |
S. Amano, C. David, L. Libkin, F. Murlak: On the Tradeoff between Mapping and Querying Power in XML Data Exchange In Proceedings of ICDT, 2010. |
P. Jain, P. Hitzler, A. Sheth, K. Verma, P. Yeh: Ontology Alignment for Linked Open Data In Proceedings of ISWC, 2010. |
M. M. Taye, N. Alalwan: Ontology Alignment Technique for Improving Semantic Integration In Proceedings of SEMAPRO, 2010. |
V. Spiliopoulosa, G. A. Vourosa, V. Karkaletsis: On the discovery of subsumption relations for the alignment of ontologies Journal of Web Semantics, 2010. |
N. James, K. Todorov, C. Hudelot: Ontology Matching for the Semantic Annotation of Images In Proceedings of FUZZ, 2010. |
A. Bonifati, G. Mecca, D. Sileo, G. Summa: Ontological Matchmaking in Recommender Systems CoRR, 2010. |
T. Naz, Y. Lassoued, R. Wallace: Ontology based Automatic ETL for Marine Geoscientific Data In Proceedings of RSPSoc, 2010. |
J. David, J. Euzenat, O. Svab-Zamazal: Ontology similarity in the alignment space In Proceedings of ISWC, 2010. |
A. Smirnov, A. Kashevnik,N. Shilov, S. Balandin, I. Oliver, S. Boldyrev: On-the-Fly Ontology Matching for Smart M3-based Smart Spaces In Proceedings of UBICOMM, 2010. |
L. Seligman, P. Mork, A. Halevy, K. Smith, M. J. Carey, K. Chen, C. Wolf, J. Madhavan, A. Kannan: OpenII: An Open Source Information Integration Toolkit In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2010. |
F. Hamdi, C. Reynaud, B. Safar: Pattern-based Mapping Refinement In Proceedings of EKAW, 2010. |
R. Fagin, B. Kimelfeld, P. Kolaitis: Probabilistic Data Exchange In Proceedings of ICDT, 2010. |
H.-R. Motahari-Nezhad, G. Yuan Xu, B. Benatallah: Protocol-Aware Matching of Web Service Interfaces for Adapter Development In Proceedings of WWW, 2010. |
F. Esposito, N. Fanizzi, C. d’Amato: Recovering Uncertain Mappings through Structural Validation and Aggregation with the MoTo System In Proceedings of SAC, 2010. |
J. Martinez-Gil, J. F. Aldana-Montes: Reverse Ontology Matching Sigmod Record, 2010. |
E. Peukert, H. Berthold, E. Rahm: Rewrite Techniques for Performance Optimization of Schema Matching Processes In Proceedings of EDBT, 2010. |
F. Giunchiglia, A. Autayeu, J. Pane: S-Match: an open source framework for matching lightweight ontologies SWJ, 2010. |
H. Kohler, X. Zhou, S. Sadiq, Y. Shu, K. Taylor: Sampling Dirty Data for Matching Attributes In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2010. |
V. Maltese, F. Giunchiglia, A. Autayeu: Save up to 99% of your time in mapping validation In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2010. |
S. K. Stoutenburg, J. Kalita, K. Ewing, L. M. Hines: Scaling alignment of large ontologies IJBRA, 2010. |
B. Saha, I. Stanoi, K. L. Clarkson: Schema Covering: a Step Towards Enabling Reuse in Information Integration In Proceedings of ICDE, 2010. |
S. Sorrentino, S. Bergamaschi, M. Gawinecki, L. Po: Schema label normalization for improving schema matching Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2010. |
P. Shvaiko, F. Giunchiglia, M. Yatskevich: Semantic matching with S-Match. In Semantic Web Information Management: a modelbased perspective, 2010. |
B. Marnette, F. Geerts: Static Analysis of Schema-Mappings: Ensuring Oblivious Termination In Proceedings of ICDT, 2010. |
W. R. van Hage, M. Sini, L. Finch, H. Kolb, G. Schreiber: The OAEI food task: an analysis of a thesaurus alignment task Applied Ontology, 2010. |
S. A. Md Nasir, N. L. Md Noor, S. Razali: The Traditional Malay Textile (TMT) Knowledge Model: Transformation towards Automated Mapping WASET, 2010. |
M. Nagy, M. Vargas-Vera: Towards an automatic semantic data integration: Multi-agent framework approach. Book chapter in Semantic Web, 2010. |
Y. Tang: Towards Evaluating GRASIM for Ontology-based Data Matching In Proceedings of OTM, 2010. |
M. Vargas-Vera, M. Nagy: Towards intelligent ontology alignment systems for question answering: challenges and roadblocks JETWI, 2010. |
R. Kluge, A. Ludwig, R. Belter: Towards Semantic Matching of Business Services and Electronic Services GI Jahrestagung, 2010. |
B. Glavic, G. Alonso, R. J. Miller, L. M. Haas: TRAMP: Understanding the Behavior of Schema Mappings through Provenance In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2010. |
M. Kwietniewski, J. Gryz, S. Hazlewood, P. Van Run: Transforming XML Documents as Schemas Evolve In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2010. |
Y. Feng, L. Zhao, J. Yang: Tuning Schema Matching Systems using Parallel Genetic Algorithms on GPU IJMECS, 2010. |
S. Bergamaschi, L. Po, S. Sorrentino, A. Corni: Uncertainty in data integration systems: automatic generation of probabilistic relationships. Book chapter in Management of the Interconnected World, Springer, 2010. |
H. Q. Thang, V. S. Nam: XML Schema Automatic Matching Solution. International Journal of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, 2010. |
Y. Chabeb, S. Tata, A. Ozanne: YASA-M: A Semantic Web Service Matchmaker. Proceedings of AINA, 2010. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, F. Giunchiglia, H. Stuckenschmidt, M. Mao, I. Cruz (eds.): Ontology Matching (OM-2010) Proceedings of the ISWC'10 International Workshop OM-2010. |
2009 |
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G. Qi, Q. Ji, P. Haase: A Conflict-based Operator for Mapping Revision Theory and Implementation In Proceedings of ISWC, 2009. |
A. Locoro, V. Mascardi: A correspondence repair algorithm based onword sense disambiguation and upper ontologies In Proceedings of KEOD, 2009. |
F. Shi, J. Li, J. Tang, G. Xie, H. Li: Actively Learning Ontology Matching via User Interaction In Proceedings of ISWC, 2009. |
A. Gal, P. Shvaiko: Advances in Ontology Matching Advances in Web Semantics - I, 2009. |
Q. Zhong, H. Li, J. Li, G. Xie, J. Tang, L. Zhou, Y. Pan: A Gauss Funtion based Approach for Unbalanced Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2009. |
A. Gal, M. V. Martinez, G. I. Simari, VS Subrahmanian: Aggregate Query Answering under Uncertain Schema Mappings In Proceedings of ICDE, 2009. |
L. Vaccari, P. Shvaiko, M. Marchese: A geo-service semantic integration in Spatial Data Infrastructures International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 2009. |
I. F. Cruz, F. P. Antonelli, C. Stroe: AgreementMaker: Efficient Matching for Large Real-World Schemas and Ontologies In Proceedings of VLDB (Demo), 2009. |
F. Giunchiglia, M. Yatskevich, P. Avesani, P. Shvaiko: A Large Scale Dataset for the Evaluation of Ontology Matching Systems Knowledge Engineering Review Journal, 2009. |
P. Wang, B. Xu: An Effective Similarity Propagation Method for Matching Ontologies without Sufficient or Regular Linguistic Information In Proceedings of ASWC, 2009. |
J. Bisbal, D. Berry: Archetype alignment: a two-level driven Semantic matching approach to interoperability in the clinical domain In Proceedings of HEALTHINF, 2009. |
C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt, O. Svab-Zamazal: A Reasoning-Based Support Tool for Ontology Mapping Evaluation In Proceedings of ESWC, Demo, 2009. |
E. Damiani, P. Ceravolo, M. Leida: A toward framework for generic uncertainty management In Proceedings of IFSA-EUSFLAT, 2009. |
V. Mascardi, A. Locoro, P. Rosso: Automatic Ontology Matching Via Upper Ontologies: A Systematic Evaluation TKDE, 2009. |
R. Fagin, L. Haas, M. Hernandez, R. Miller, L. Popa, Y. Velegrakis: Clio: Schema Mapping Creation and Data Exchange In Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications, 2009. |
A. Tordai, J. van Ossenbruggen, G. Schreiber: Combining Vocabulary Alignment Techniques In Proceedings of K-CAP, 2009. |
K. Saleem, Z. Bellahsene: Complex schema match discovery and validation through collaboration In Proceedings of OTM, 2009. |
G. Mecca, P. Papotti, S. Raunich, M. Buoncristiano: Concise and Expressive Mappings with +Spicy In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
G. Mecca, P. Papotti, S. Raunich: Core Schema Mappings In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2009. |
B. Fu, R. Brennan, D. O'Sullivan: Cross-lingual Ontology Mapping – An Investigation of the Impact of Machine Translation In Proceedings of ASWC, 2009. |
V. Lopez, V. Uren, M. Sabou, E. Motta: Cross Ontology Query Answering on the Semantic Web: An Initial Evaluation In Proceedings of K-CAP, 2009. |
M. d'Aquin, H. Lewen: Cupboard – A Place to Expose your Ontologies to Applications and the Community In Proceedings of ESWC, Demo, 2009. |
M. J. Cafarella, A. Halevy, N. Khoussainova: Data Integration for the Relational Web In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
R. Pichler, V. Savenkov: DEMo: Data Exchange Modeling Tool In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
K. Todorov: Detecting Ontology Mappings via Descriptive Statistical Methods In Proceedings of ICIW, 2009. |
J. Volz, C. Bizer, M. Gaedke, G. Kobilarov: Discovering and Maintaining Links on the Web of Data In Proceedings of ISWC, 2009. |
P. Doran, V. Tamma, T. R. Payne, I. Palmisano: Dynamic Selection of Ontological Alignments: A Space Reduction Mechanism In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2009. |
M. Sabou, M. Fernandez, E. Motta: Evaluating Semantic Relations by Exploring Ontologies on the Semantic Web In Proceedings of NLDB, 2009. |
A. Isaac, S. Wang, C. Zinn, H. Matthezing, L. van der Meij, S. Schlobach: Evaluating Thesaurus Alignments for Semantic Interoperability in the Library Domain IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2009. |
F. Zablith: Evolva: a comprehensive approach to ontology evolution In Proceedings of ESWC, 2009. |
V. Mascardi, A. Locoro, F. Larosa: Exploiting Prolog and NLP Techniques for Matching Ontologies and for Repairing Correspondences In Proceedings of CILC, 2009. |
J. Tekli, R. Chbeir, K. Yetongnon: Extensible User-based XML Grammar Matching In Proceedings of ER, 2009. |
J. Terwilliger, P. Bernstein, S. Melnik: Full-Fidelity Flexible Object-Oriented XML Access In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
D. Kensche, C. Quix, X. Li, Y. Li, M. Jarke: Generic Schema Mappings for Composition and Query Answering Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2009. |
P. Maio, N. Silva: GOALS – a test-bed for ontology matching In Proceedings of KEOD, 2009. |
A. Nandi, P. Bernstein: HAMSTER: Using Search Clicklogs for Schema and Taxonomy Matching In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
K. Eckert, C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt: Improving Ontology Matching using Meta-level Learning In Proceedings of ESWC, 2009. |
O. Cure: Incremental Generation of Mappings in an Ontology-based Data Access Context In Proceedings of OTM, 2009. |
P. Doshi, R. Kolli, C. Thomas: Inexact Matching of Ontology Graphs Using Expectation-Maximization Journal of Web Semantics, 2009. |
K. Zaiss, T. Schluter, S. Conrad: Instance-Based Ontology Matching Using Different Kinds of Formalisms World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009. |
M. Arenas, J. Perez, J. Reutter, C. Riveros: Inverting Schema Mappings: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
B. ten Cate, L. Chiticariu, P. Kolaitis, W.-C. Tan: Laconic Schema Mappings: Computing the Core with SQL Queries In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
J. Gracia, M. d'Aquin, E. Mena: Large Scale Integration of Senses for the Semantic Web In Proceedings of WWW, 2009. |
S. P. Ponzetto, R. Navigli: Large-Scale Taxonomy Mapping for Restructuring and Integrating Wikipedia In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2009. |
C. Bizer, T. Heath, T. Berners-Lee: Linked Data - The Story So Far International Journal On Semantic Web and Information Systems, 2009. |
M. Salvadores, G. Correndo, B. Rodriguez-Castro, N. Gibbins, J. Darlington, N. Shadbolt: LinksB2N: Automatic Data Integration for the Semantic Web In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2009. |
G. Fenza, V. Loia, S. Senatore: Local semantic context analysis for automatic ontology matching In Proceedings of IFSA-EUSFLAT, 2009. |
S. Albagli, R. Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, S. E. Shimony: Markov Network based Ontology Matching In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2009. |
C. Trojahn, P. Quaresma, R. Viera: Matching Law Ontologies using an Extended Argumentation Framework based on Confidence Degrees In Proceedings of Law, Ontologies and the Semantic Web, 2009. |
D. Thau, S. Bowers, B. Ludascher: Merging Sets of Taxonomically Organized Data using Concept Mappings under Uncertainty In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2009. |
G. Gottlob, R. Pichler, V. Savenkov: Normalization and Optimization of Schema Mappings In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
F. Duchateau, R. Coletta, Z. Bellahsene, R. Miller: (Not) Yet Another Matcher In Proceedings of CIKM, 2009. |
M. Wimmer, M. Seidl, P. Brosch, H. Kargl, G. Kappel: On Realizing a Framework for Self-Tuning Mappings In Proceedings of TOOLS, 2009. |
H. Kondylakis, G. Flouris, D. Plexousakis: Ontology and Schema Evolution in Data Integration: Review and Assessment In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2009. |
E. Jimenez-Ruiz, B. Cuenca Grau, I. Horrocks, R. Berlanga: Ontology Integration Using Mappings: Towards Getting the Right Logical Consequences In Proceedings of ESWC, 2009. |
C. Tatsiopoulos, B. Boutsinas: Ontology mapping based on association rule mining In Proceedings of ICEIS, 2009. |
F. A. Lachtim, A. M. de Carvalho Moura, M. C. Cavalcanti: Ontology matching for dynamic publication in semantic portals Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 2009. |
Y. R. Jean-Marya, E. P. Shironoshita, M. R. Kabuka: Ontology matching with semantic verification Journal of Web Semantics, 2009. |
A. Bhattacharjee, H. Jamil: OntoMatch: A Monotonically Improving Schema Matching System for Autonomous Data Integration In Proceedings of IRI, 2009. |
A. Nikolov, V. Uren, E. Motta, A. de Roeck: Overcoming schema heterogeneity between linked semantic repositories to improve coreference resolution In Proceedings of ASWC, 2009. |
K. Zaiß, S. Conrad: Partial Ontology Matching Using Instance Features In Proceedings of OTM, 2009. |
M. Atencia, M. Schorlemmer: Reaching Semantic Agreements through Interaction In Proceedings of I-KNOW, 2009. |
W. Fan, X. Jia, J. Li, S. Ma: Reasoning about Record Matching Rules In Proceedings of VLDB, 2009. |
R. Fagin, P. G. Kolaitis, L. Popa, W.-C. Tan: Reverse Data Exchange: Coping with Nulls In Proceedings of PODS, 2009. |
A. Jimeno-Yepes, E. Jiménez-Ruiz, R. Berlanga-Llavori, D. Rebholz-Schuhmann: Reuse of terminological resources for efficient ontological engineering in Life Sciences BMC Bioinformatics, 2009. |
J. Li, J. Tang, Y. Li, Q. Luo: RiMOM: A Dynamic Multistrategy Ontology Alignment Framework TKDE, 2009. |
L. Haas, M. Hentschel, D. Kossmann, R. J. Miller: Schema AND Data: A Holistic Approach to Mapping, Resolution and Fusion in Information Integration In Proceedings of ER, 2009. |
N. Abadie: Schema Matching Based on Attribute Values and Background Ontology In Proceedings of AGILE, 2009. |
K. Chen, J. Madhavan, A. Halevy: Schemr: a Schema Search Engine for Information Integration In Proceedings of SIGMOD, Demo, 2009. |
J. Partyka, L. Khan, B. Thuraisingham: Semantic Schema Matching Without Shared Instances In Proceedings of ICSC, 2009. |
F. Giunchiglia, P. Shvaiko, M. Yatskevich: Semantic matching Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2009. |
J. Shamdasani, T. Hauer, P. Bloodsworth, A. Branson, M. Odeh, R. McClatchey: Semantic Matching using the UMLS In Proceedings of ESWC, 2009. |
B. ten Catey, P. G. Kolaitis: Structural Characterizations of Schema-Mapping Languages In Proceedings of ICDT, 2009. |
K. Janowicz, M. Wilkes: SIM-DLA: A Novel Semantic Similarity Measure for Description Logics Reducing Inter-Concept to Inter-Instance Similarity In Proceedings of ESWC, 2009. |
K. Smith, P. Mork, L. Seligman, A. Rosenthal, M. Morse, C. Wolf, D. Allen, M. Li: The Role of Schema Matching in Large Enterprises In Proceedings of CIDR, 2009. |
A. Radwan, L. Popa, I. Stanoi, A. Younis: Top-K Generation of Integrated Schemas Based on Directed and Weighted Correspondences In Proceeings of SIGMOD, 2009. |
A. Nikolov, V. Uren, E. Motta: Towards Data Fusion in a Multiontology Environment In Proceedings of LDOW, 2009. |
C. Conroy, R. Brennan, D. O'Sullivan, D. Lewis: User Evaluation Study of a Tagging Approach to Semantic Mapping In Proceedings of ESWC, 2009. |
P. Lambrix, Q. Liu: Using partial reference alignments to align ontologies In Proceedings of ESWC, 2009. |
K. Todorov, P. Geibel: Variable Selection as an Instance-based Ontology Mapping Strategy In Proceedings of SWWS, 2009. |
A. Isaac, D. Kramer, L. van der Meij, S. Wang, S. Schlobach, J. Stapel: Vocabulary Matching for Book Indexing Suggestion in Linked Libraries – A Prototype Implementation and Evaluation In Proceedings of ISWC, 2009. |
A. Ghazvinian, N. F. Noy, C. Jonquet, N. Shah, M. A. Musen: What Four Million Mappings Can Tell You About Two Hundred Ontologies In Proceedings of ISWC, 2009. |
A. Algergawy, R. Nayak, G. Saake: XML Schema Element Similarity Measures: A Schema Matching Context In Proceedings of OTM, 2009. |
S. Amano, L. Libkin, F. Murlak: XML Schema Mappings In Proceedings of PODS, 2009. |
F. Duchateau, R. Coletta, Z. Bellahsene, R. J. Miller: YAM: a Schema Matcher Factory In Proceedings of CIKM, 2009. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, F. Giunchiglia, H. Stuckenschmidt, N. Noy, A. Rosenthal (eds.): Ontology Matching (OM-2009) Proceedings of the ISWC'09 International Workshop OM-2009. |
2008 |
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R. Stecher, C. Niederee, W. Nejdl, P. Bouquet: Adaptive Ontology Re-use: finding and re-using sub-ontologies IJSWIS, 2008. |
N.C.N. Chu, Q. M. Trinh, K. E. Barker, R. S. Alhajj: A Dynamic Ontology Mapping Architecture for a Grid Database System In Proceedings of SKG, 2008. |
F. Duchateau, Z. Bellahsene, R. Coletta: A Flexible Approach for Planning Schema Matching Algorithms In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2008. |
G. Kappel, H. Kargl, T. Reiter, W. Retschitzegger, W. Schwinger, M. Strommer, M. Wimmer: A Framework for Building Mapping Operators Resolving Structural Heterogeneities In Proceedings of UNISCON, 2008. |
C. Trojahn, P. Quaresma, R. Vieira: A Framework for Multilingual Ontology Mappings In Proceedings of LREC, 2008. |
M. Mao, Y. Peng, M. Spring: A Harmony Based Adaptive Ontology Mapping Approach In Proceedings of SWWS, 2008. |
N. P. Zlatareva, M. Nishevan: Alignment of Heterogeneous Ontologies: A Practical Approach to Testing for Similarities and Discrepancies In Proceedings of FLAIRS, 2008. |
X. Chai, M. Sayyadian, A. Doan, A. Rosenthal, L. Seligman: Analyzing and Revising Mediated Schemas to Improve Their Matchability In Proceedings of VLDB, 2008. |
C. Trojahn, P. Quaresma, R. Vieira: An argumentation framework based on confidence degrees to combine ontology mapping approaches Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 2008. |
A. Alasoud, V. Haarslev, N. Shiri: An Effective Ontology Matching Technique In Proceedings of ISMIS, 2008. |
J. Hong, Z. He, David Bell: An Evidential Approach to Query Interface Matching on the Deep Web In Proceedings of VLDB, 2008. |
C. Li1, X. Zeng, Z. Xiong: An Integrated Method for GML Application Schema Match In Proceedings of ICIC, 2008. |
F. Afrati, P. G. Kolaitis: Answering Aggregate Queries in Data Exchange In Proceedings of PODS, 2008. |
M. Marchese, L. Vaccari, P. Shvaiko, J. Pane: An Application of Approximate Ontology Matching in eResponse In Proceedings of ISCRAM, 2008. |
A. Alasoud, V. Haarslev, N. Shiri: An Empirical Comparison of Ontology Matching Techniques Journal of Information Science, 2008. |
J. Euzenat: Algebras of ontology alignment relations In Proceedings of ISWC, 2008. |
B. Jeong, D. Lee, H. Cho, J. Lee: A novel method for measuring semantic similarity for XML schema matching Expert Systems with Applications, 2008. |
F. Giunchiglia, F. McNeill, M. Yatskevich, J. Pane, P. Besana, P. Shvaiko: Approximate structure-preserving semantic matching In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2008. |
A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, G.Saake: A Schema Matching-based Approach to XML Schema Clustering In Proceedings of iiWAS, 2008. |
F. Lin, K. Sandkuhl: A Survey of Exploiting WordNet in Ontology Matching In Proceedings of IFIP AI, 2008. |
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino: Asymmetric and context-dependent semantic similarity among ontology instances Journal on Data Semantics, 2008. |
M. Wick, K. Rohanimanesh, K. Schultz, A. McCallum: A Unified Approach for Schema Matching, Coreference and Canonicalizations In Proceedings of KDD, 2008. |
A.-D. Cuevas, A. Guzman-Arenas: Automatic fusion of knowledge stored in ontologies Intelligent Decision Technologies, 2008. |
J. Corrales, D. Grigori, M. Bouzeghoub, J. Burbano: BeMatch: A Platform for Matchmaking Service Behavior Models In Proceedings of EDBT, 2008. |
A. Marie, A. Gal: Boosting Schema Matchers In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2008. |
A. Sarma, X. Dong, A. Halevy: Bootstrapping Pay-As-You-Go Data Integration Systems In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2008. |
N. Noy, N. Griffith, M. Musen: Collecting Community-Based Mappings in an Ontology Repository In Proceedings of ISWC, 2008. |
Q.Ji, P. Haase, G. Qi: Combination of Similarity Measures in Ontology Matching using the OWA Operator In Proceedings of IPMU, 2008. |
B. Lauser, G. Johannsen, C. Caracciolo, J. Keizer, W. van Hage, P. Mayr: Comparing human and automatic thesaurus mapping approaches in the agricultural domain In Proceedings of DC, 2008. |
C. Trojahn, M. Moraes, P. Quaresma, R. Vieira: Cooperative Approach for Composite Ontology Mapping Journal on Data Semantics, 2008. |
A. Raffio, D. Braga, S. Ceri, P. Papotti, M. A. Hernandez: Clip: a Visual Language for Explicit Schema Mappings In Proceedings of ICDE, 2008. |
J. David, J. Euzenat: Comparison between ontology distances In Proceedings of ISWC, 2008. |
J. Ge, Y. Qiu: Concept Similarity Matching Based on Semantic Distance In Proceedings of SKG, 2008. |
V. Spiliopoulos, A. G. Valarakos, G. A. Vouros: CSR: Discovering Subsumption Relations for the Alignment of Ontologies In Proceedings of ESWC, 2008. |
M. Hernandez, P. Papottiy, W.-C. Tanz: Data Exchange with Data-Metadata Translations In Proceedings of VLDB, 2008. |
L. Libkin, C. Sirangelo: Data Exchange and Schema Mappings in Open and Closed Worlds In Proceedings of PODS, 2008. |
Y. Kitamura, S. Segawa, M. Sasajima, S. Tarumi, R. Mizoguchi: Deep Semantic Mapping between Functional Taxonomies for Interoperable Semantic Search In Proceedings of ASWC, 2008. |
B.A.C. Schopman, S. Wang, S. Schlobach: Deriving Concept Mappings through Instance Mappings In Proceedings of ASWC, 2008. |
Y. An, I.-Y. Song: Discovering Semantically Similar Associations (SeSA) for Complex Mapping between Conceptual Models In Proceedings of ER, 2008. |
P. Bouquet, H. Stoermer, C. Niederee, A. Mana: Entity Name System: The Back-bone of an Open and Scalable Web of Data In Proceedings of ICSC, 2008. |
M. Sabou, M. d'Aquin, and E. Motta: Exploring the Semantic Web as Background Knowledge for Ontology Matching Journal on Data Semantics, 2008. |
W. Hu, Y. Qu: Falcon-AO: A practical ontology matching system Jornal of Web Semantics, 2008. |
M. Nagy, M. Vargas-Vera, E. Motta: Feasible uncertain reasoning for multi agent ontology mapping. In Proceedings of IADIS, 2008. |
R. Lourdusamy, G. Ganapathy: Feature Analysis of Ontology Mediation Tools. Journal of Computer Science, 2008. |
M. Atencia, M. Schorlemmer: Formalising Interaction-Situated Semantic Alignment: The Communication Product In Proceedings of ISAIM, 2008. |
A. Algergawy, E. Schallehn, G. Saake: Fuzzy Constraint-based Schema Matching Formulation Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 2008. |
A. Buccella, L. Perez, A. Cechich: GeoMergeP: Supporting an Ontological Approach to Geographic Information Integration In Proceedings of SCCC, 2008. |
P. Bernstein, T. Green, S. Melnik, A. Nash: Implementing mapping composition The VLDB Journal, 2008. |
S. Castano, A. Ferrara, S. Montanelli, D. Lorusso: Instance Matching for Ontology Population In Proceedings of SEBD, 2008. |
M. Atencia, M. Schorlemmer: I-SSA: Interaction-Situated Semantic Alignment In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2008. |
C. Wartena, R. Brussee: Instanced-Based Mapping between Thesauri and Folksonomies In Proceedings of ISWC, 2008. |
L. Chiticariu, P. Kolaitis, L. Popa: Interactive Generation of Integrated Schemas In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2008. |
M. Mochol: Interoperability Issues, Ontology Matching and MOMA In Proceedings of I-SEMANTICS, 2008. |
S. Wang, G. Englebienne, S. Schlobach: Learning Concept Mappings from Instance Similarity In Proceedings of ISWC, 2008. |
C. Meilicke, J. Volker, H. Stuckenschmidt: Learning Disjointness for Debugging Mappings between Lightweight Ontologies In Proceedings of EKAW, 2008. |
R. Ichise: Machine Learning Approach for Ontology Mapping using Multiple Concept Similarity Measures In Proceedings of ICIS, 2008. |
S. Castano, A. Ferrara, D. Lorusso, T. H. Nath, R. Moller: Mapping Validation by Probabilistic Reasoning In Proceedings of ESWC, 2008. |
W. Hu, Y. Qu, G. Cheng: Matching large ontologies: A divide-and-conquer approach Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2008. |
R. McCann, W. Shen, A. Doan: Matching Schemas in Online Communities: A Web 2.0 Approach In Proceedings of ICDE, 2008. |
Z. Huang, Y. Qiu: Measuring Semantic Similarity between Resource Spaces IIn Proceedings of SKG, 2008. |
J.-R. Falleri, M. Huchard, M. Lafourcade, C. Nebut: Metamodel Matching for Automatic Model Transformation Generation In Proceedings of MODELS, 2008. |
B. Alexe, L. Chiticariu, R. J. Miller, W.-C. Tan: Muse: Mapping Understanding and deSign by Example In Proceedings of ICDE, 2008. |
M. Mao, Y. Peng, M. Spring: Neural Network based Constraint Satisfaction in Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of AAAI, 2008. |
P. Senellart, G. Gottlob: On the Complexity of Deriving Schema Mappings from Database Instances In Proceedings of PODS, 2008. |
J. Bao, G. Voutsadakis, G. Slutzki, V. Honavar: On the Decidability of Role Mappings between Modular Ontologies In Proceedings of AAAI, 2008. |
D. Beneventano, N. Dahlem, S. Haoum, A. Hahn, D. Montanari, M. Reinelt: Ontology-driven Semantic Mapping In Proceedings of IESA, 2008. |
M. Mao, Y. Peng, M. Spring: Ontology Mapping: As a Binary Classification Problem In Proceedings of SKG, 2008. |
Z. Li,S. Li, Z. Peng: Ontology matching based on Probabilistic Description Logic In Proceedings of ACACOS, 2008. |
S. Dessloch, M. Hernandez, R. Wisnesky, A. Radwan, J. Zhou: Orchid: Integrating Schema Mapping and ETL In Proceedings of ICDE, 2008. |
C. Comito, D. Talia: P2P Schema-Mapping over Network-bound XML Data In Proceedings of SKG, 2008. |
S. Jeffery, M. Franklin, A. Halevy: Pay-as-you-go User Feedback for Dataspace Systems In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2008. |
K. Saleem, Z. Bellahsene, E. Hunt: PORSCHE: Performance ORiented SCHEma Mediation Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2008. |
A. Isaac, H. Matthezing, L. van der Meij, S. Schlobach, S. Wang, C. Zinn: Putting ontology alignment in context: usage scenarios, deployment and evaluation in a library case In Proceedings of ESWC, 2008. |
R. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Wang: Research on Ontology Matching Approach in Semantic Web In Proceedings of ICICSE, 2008. |
C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt, A. Tamilin: Reasoning Support for Mapping Revision Journal of Logic and Computation, 2008. |
Y. An, X. Hu, I.-Y. Song: Round-Trip Engineering for Maintaining Conceptual-Relational Mappings In Proceedings of CAiSE, 2008. |
P. Papotti and R. Torlone: Schema Exchange: Generic Mappings for Transforming Data and Metadata DKE, 2008. |
G. Brzykcy, J. Bartoszek, T. Pankowski: Schema Mappings and Agents' Actions in P2P Data Integration System Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2008. |
A. Bonifati, G. Mecca, A. Pappalardo, S. Raunich, G. Summa: Schema Mapping Verification: The Spicy Way In Proceedings of EDBT, 2008. |
Z. He, J. Hong, D. Bell: Schema Matching across Query Interfaces on the Deep Web In Proceedings of BNCOD, 2008. |
W. Xue, H. Pung, P. P. Palmes, Tao Gu: Schema Matching for Context-Aware Computing In Proceedings of UbiComp, 2008. |
S. Jaroszewicz, L. Ivantysynova, T. Scheffer: Schema matching on streams with accuracy guarantees Intelligent Data Analysis, 2008. |
J. Kang, J. F. Naughton: Schema Matching Using Interattribute Dependencies TKDE, 2008. |
R. Pottinger, P. Bernstein: Schema Merging and Mapping Creation for Relational Sources In Proceedings of EDBT, 2008. |
T. Wang, R. Pottinger: SeMap: A Generic Mapping Construction System In Proceedings of EDBT, 2008. |
C. Pires, D. Souza, T. Pacheco, A. Salgado: SemMatcher: A Tool for Matching Ontology-based Schemas In Proceedings of SBDD, 2009 |
H. Kargl, M. Wimmer: SmartMatcher – How Examples and a Dedicated Mapping Language can Improve the Quality of Automatic Matching Approaches In Proceedings of CISIS, 2008. |
B. Alexe, W.-C. Tan, Y. Velegrakis: STBenchmark: Towards a Benchmark for Mapping Systems In Proceedings of VLDB, 2008. |
W. Sunna, I. F. Cruz: Structural Alignment Methods with Applications to Geospatial Ontologies Transactions in GIS, 2008. |
J. J. Jung: Taxonomy alignment for interoperability between heterogeneous virtual organizations Expert Systems with Applications, 2008. |
P. Mork, L. Seligman, A. Rosenthal, J. Korb, C. Wolf: The Harmony Integration Workbench Journal on Data Semantics, 2008. |
J. Evermann: Theories of Meaning in Schema Matching: An Exploratory Study IInformation Systems, 2008. |
M. Arenas, J. Perez, C. Riveros: The Recovery of a Schema Mapping: Bringing Exchanged Data Back In Proceedings of PODS, 2008. |
R. Fagin, P. Kolaitis, A. Nash, L. Popa: Towards a Theory of Schema-Mapping Optimization In Proceedings of PODS, 2008. |
L. Hollink, M. van Assem, S. Wang, A. Isaac, G. Schreiber: Two Variations on Ontology Alignment Evaluation: Methodological Issues In Proceedings of ESWC, 2008. |
H. Elmeleegy, M. Ouzzani, A. Elmagarmid: Usage-Based Schema Matching In Proceedings of ICDE, 2008. |
B. T. Dai, N. Koudas, D. Srivastavat, A. K. H. Tung, S. Venkatasubramaniant: Validating Multi-column Schema Matchings by Type In Proceedings of ICDE, 2008. |
J. Ge, Y. Qiu, S. Yin: Web Services Composition Method Based on OWL In Proceedings of CSSE, 2008. |
M. Klusch, F. Kaufer: WSMO-MX: A Hybrid Semantic Web Service Matchmaker Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, 2008. |
L. Haas, Z. Ives, M. Mohania, M. Bhide (eds.): New Trends in Information Integration (NTII) Proceedings of the VLDB'08 International Workshop on New Trends in Information Integration. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, F. Giunchiglia, H. Stuckenschmidt (eds.): Ontology Matching (OM-2008) Proceedings of the ISWC'08 International Workshop OM-2008. |
M. Lanzenberger, J. Sampson (eds.): Ontology Alignment and Visualization - OnAV IEEE Intelligent Systems OnAV/CISIS-08 essays. |
2007 |
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S. M. Falconer, M.-A. Storey: A cognitive support framework for ontology mapping In Proceedings of ISWC+ASWC, 2007. |
H. L. Johnson, K. B. Cohen, L. Hunter: A Fault Model for Ontology Mapping, Alignment, and Linking Systems In Proceedings of PSB, 2007. |
M. Atencia, M. Schorlemmer: A Formal Model for Situated Semantic Alignment In Proceedings of AAMAS, 2007. |
H. Tan, P. Lambrix: A method for recommending ontology alignment strategies In Proceedings of ISWC+ASWC, 2007. |
A. Isaac, L. van der Meij, S. Schlobach, S. Wang: An empirical study of instance-based ontology matching In Proceedings of ISWC+ASWC, 2007. |
C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt: Applying Logical Constraints to Ontology Matching In Proceedings of KI, 2007. |
M. Mao, Y. Peng, M. Spring: A Profile Propagation and Information Retrieval Based Ontology Mapping Approach In Proceedings of SKG, 2007. |
L. Laera, I. Blacoe, V. Tamma, T. Payne, J. Euzenat, T. Bench-Capon: Argumentation over Ontology Correspondences in MAS In Proceedings of AAMAS, 2007. |
Y. An, A. Borgida, R. J. Miller, J. Mylopoulos: A Semantic Approach to Discovering Schema Mapping Expressions In Proceedings of ICDE, 2007. |
O. Svab, V. Svatek, H. Stuckenschmidt: A Study in Empirical and 'Casuistic' Analysis of Ontology Mapping Results In Proceedings of ESWC, 2007. |
P. Lambrix, H. Tan: A Tool for Evaluating Ontology Alignment Strategies Journal on Data Semantics, 2007. |
A. G. Valarakos, V. Spiliopoulos, K. Kotis, G. Vouros: AUTOMS-F: A Java Framework for Synthesizing Ontology Mapping Methods In Proceedings of I-KNOW, 2007. |
Z. Eidoon, N. Yazdani, F. Oroumchian: A Vector Based Method of Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SKG, 2007. |
I. Cruz, W. Sunna, N. Makar, S. Bathala: A visual tool for ontology alignment to enable geospatial interoperability Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 2007. |
L. Haas: Beauty and the Beast: The Theory and Practice of Information Integration In Proceedings of ICDT, 2007. |
M. Boukhebouze, R. Rifaieh, N. Benharkat, Y. Amghar: Benchmarking XML-Schema Matching Algorithms for Improving Automated Tuning In Proceedings of AICCSA, 2007. |
S. Sen, S. Somavarapu, N.L. Sarda: Class structures and Lexical similarities of class names for ontology matching In Proceedings of ODBIS, 2007. |
V. Qazvinian, H. Abolhassani, S. H. Haeri: Coincidence based mapping extraction with genetic algorithms In Proceedings of WEBIST, 2007. |
S. Melnik, Atul Adya, P. Bernstein: Compiling Mappings to Bridge Applications and Databases In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2007. |
F. Duchateau, Z. Bellahsene, M. Roche: Context-based Measure for Discovering Approximate Semantic Matching between Schema Elements In Proceedings of RCIS, 2007. |
S. H. Haeri, H. Abolhassani, V. Qazvinian, B. B. Hariri: Coincidence-Based Scoring of Mappings in Ontology Alignment Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2007. |
A. Nash, P. Bernstein, S. Melnik: Composition of Mappings Given by Embedded Dependencies ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 2007. |
M. A. Casanova, K. K. Breitman, D. F. Brauner, A. L.A. Marins: Database Conceptual Schema Matching Computer, 2007. |
X. Dong, A. Halevy, C. Yu: Data Integration with Uncertainty In Proceedings of VLDB, 2007. |
P. Wang, B. Xu: Debugging ontology mappings: a static approach Computing and Informatics, 2007. |
Y. An, A. Borgida, J. Mylopoulos: Discovering and Maintaining Semantic Mappings between XML Schemas and Ontologies Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 2007. |
W. Hu, Y. Qu: Discovering Simple Mappings Between Relational Database Schemas and Ontologies In Proceedings of ISWC+ASWC, 2007. |
R. Trillo, J. Gracia, M. Espinoza, E. Mena: Discovering the Semantics of User Keywords JUCS, 2007. |
M. Fahad, M. A. Qadir, M. W. Noshairwan, N. Iftikhar: DKP-OM: A Semantic Based Ontology Merger In Proceedings of I-MEDIA and I-SEMANTICS, 2007. |
Y. Lin, J. Gray, F. Jouault: DSMDiff: A Differentiation Tool for Domain-Specific Models European Journal of Information Systems, 2007. |
M. Sabou, J. Gracia, S. Angeletou, M. d'Aquin, E. Motta: Evaluating the Semantic Web: A Task-based Approach In Proceedings of ISWC+ASWC, 2007. |
Y. Lee, M. Sayyadian, A. Doan, A. S. Rosenthal: eTuner: tuning schema matching software using synthetic scenarios The VLDB Journal, 2007. |
P. Besana, D. Robertson: How Service Choreography Statistics Reduce the Ontology Mapping Problem In Proceedings of ISWC+ASWC, 2007. |
L. Serafini, A. Tamilin: Instance Migration in Heterogeneous Ontology Environments In Proceedings of ISWC+ASWC, 2007. |
D. Kensche, C. Quix, Y. Li, M. Jarke: Generic Schema Mappings In Proceedings of ER, 2007. |
C. Quix, D. Kensche, X. Li: Generic Schema Merging In Proceedings of CAiSE, 2007. |
D. Kensche, C. Quix, M. A. Chatti, M. Jarke: GeRoMe: A Generic Role Based Metamodel for Model Management Journal on Data Semantics, 2007. |
D. Kensche, C. Quix, X. Li, Y. Li: GeRoMeSuite: A System for Holistic Generic Model Management In Proceedings of VLDB (demonstration), 2007. |
H. Nottelmann, U. Straccia: Information retrieval and machine learning for probabilistic schema matching Information Processing and Management, 2007. |
T. Kirsten, A. Thor, E. Rahm: Instance-based matching of large life science ontologies In Proceedings of DILS, 2007. |
D. Corsar, D. Sleeman: KBS Development through Ontology Mapping and Ontology Driven Acquisition In Proceedings of K-CAP, 2007. |
O. Udrea, L. Getoor, R. J. Miller: Leveraging Data and Structure in Ontology Integration In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2007. |
A. Marie, A. Gal: Managing Uncertainty in Schema Matcher Ensembles In Proceedings of SUM, 2007. |
H.-H. Do, E. Rahm: Matching large schemas: Approaches and evaluation Information Systems, 2007. |
P. Soffer, I. Reinhartz-Berger, A. Sturm: Matching models of different abstraction levels: a refinement equivalence approach In Research Issues in Systems Analysis and Design, Databases and Software Development, 2007. |
C. Quix, D. Kensche, X. Li: Matching of Ontologies with XML Schemas using a Generic Metamodel In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2007. |
C. Patel, J. Cimino, J. Dolby, A. Fokoue, A. Kalyanpur, A. Kershenbaum, L. Ma, E. Schonberg, K. Srinivas: Matching Patient Records to Clinical Trials Using Ontologies In Proceedings of ISWC/ASWC, 2007. |
P. Atzeni, P. Cappellari, G. Gianforme: MIDST: Model Independent Schema and Data Translation In Proceedings of SIGMOD (demonstration), 2007. |
A. Jossic, M. Fabro, J. Lerat, J. Bezivin, F. Jouault: Model Integration with Model Weaving: a Case Study in System Architecture In Proceedings of ICSEM, 2007. |
P. Bernstein, S. Melnik: Model Management 2.0: Manipulating Richer Mappings In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2007. |
A. Thor, E. Rahm: MOMA - A Mapping-based Object Matching System In Proceedings of CIDR, 2007. |
B. Hu, S. Dasmahapatra, P. Lewis, N. Shadbolt: On Capturing Semantics in Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of AAAI, 2007. |
G. De Giacomo, D. Lembo, M. Lenzerini, R. Rosati: On Reconciling Data Exchange, Data Integration, and Peer Data Management In Proceedings of PODS, 2007. |
J. Euzenat, A. Mocan, F. Scharffe: Ontology alignments: an ontology management perspective Chapter 6. Ontology management, 2007. |
M. Mao: Ontology Mapping: An Information Retrieval and Interactive Activation Network Based Approach In Proceedings of ISWC, 2007. |
K. Saleem, Z. Bellahsene, E. Hunt: Performance Oriented Schema Matching In Proceedings of DEXA, 2007. |
M. Scannapieco, I. Figotin, E. Bertino, A. Elmagarmid: Privacy Preserving Schema and Data Matching In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2007. |
R. Fagin, P. Kolaitis, L. Popa, W.-C. Tan: Quasi-inverses of Schema Mappings In Proceedings of PODS, 2007. |
K. Latif, E. Weippl, A. Tjoa: Question Driven Semantics Interpretation for Collaborative Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Reuse In Proceedings of IRI, 2007. |
C. Drumm, M. Schmitt, H.-H. Do, E. Rahm: QuickMig - Automatic Schema Matching for Data Migration Projects In Proceedings of CIKM, 2007. |
C. Domshlak, A. Gal, H. Roitman: Rank Aggregation for Automatic Schema Matching TKDE, 2007. |
C. Meilicke, H. Stuckenschmidt, A. Tamilin: Repairing Ontology Mappings In Proceedings of AAAI, 2007. |
A. Billig, E. Blomqvist, F. Lin: Semantic Matching based on Enterprise Ontologies In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2007. |
L. Chiticariu, M. A. Hernandez, P. Kolaitis, L. Popa: Semi-automatic Schema Integration in Clio In Proceedings of VLDB (demonstration), 2007. |
CJ.-M. Kim, H. Shin, H.-J. Kim: Schema and constraints-based matching and merging of Topic Maps Information Processing and Management, 2007. |
P. Papotti, R. Torlone: Schema Exchange: a Template-based Approach to Data and Metadata Translation In Proceedings of ER, 2007. |
P. Cudre-Mauroux, S. Agarwal, A. Budura, P. Haghani, K. Aberer: Self-organizing Schema Mappings in the GridVine Peer Data Management System Information Processing and Management, 2007. |
F. Giunchiglia, M. Yatskevich, P. Shvaiko: Semantic Matching: Algorithms and Implementation Journal on Data Semantics, 2007. |
J. Euzenat: Semantic Precision and Recall for Ontology Alignment Evaluation In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2007. |
M. Fabro, P. Valduriez: Semi-automatic Model Integration using Matching Transformations and Weaving Models In Proceedings of SAC, 2007. |
G. Tretola, E. Zimeo: Structure Matching for Enhancing UDDI Queries Results In Proceedings of SOCA, 2007. |
W. Sunna, I. F. Cruz: Structure-based Methods to Enhance Geospatial Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of GEOS, 2007. |
P. Mork, P. Bernstein, S. Melnik: Teaching a Schema Translator to Produce O/R Views In Proceedings of ER, 2007. |
A. Tordai, B. Omelayenko, G. Schreiber: Thesaurus and Metadata Alignment for a Semantic E-Culture Application In Proceedings of K-CAP, 2007. |
T. Green, G. Karvounarakis, Z. Ives, V. Tannen: Update Exchange with Mappings and Provenance In Proceedings of VLDB, 2007. |
R. Gligorov, Z. Aleksovski, W. ten Kate, F. van Harmelen: Using Google distance to weight approximate ontology matches In Proceedings of WWW, 2007. |
Y. Hao, Y. Zhang: Web Services Discovery Based on Schema Matching In Proceedings of ACSC, 2007. |
F. Duchateau, Z. Bellahsene, E. Hunt: XBenchMatch: a Benchmark for XML Schema Matching Tools In Proceedings of VLDB (demonstration), 2007. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat (guest eds.): special issue on Ontology Matching International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 3(2), IGI Global, 2007. |
P. Kolaitis, M. Lenzerini, A. Rosenthal: INFINT Working notes of the Bertinoro Workshop on Information Integration, 2007. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, F. Giunchiglia, B. He. (eds.): OM-2007 Proceedings of the ISWC'07+ASWC'07 International Workshop OM-2007. |
J. Euzenat, M. Ehrig, A. Jentzsch, M. Mochol, P. Shvaiko: D1. Case-based recommendation of matching tools and techniques Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2007. |
F. Scharffe, J. Euzenat, C. Le Duc, A. Mocan, P. Shvaiko: D2.2.7: Analysis of knowledge transformation and merging techniques and implementations Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2007. |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, H. Stuckenschmidt, M. Mochol, F. Giunchiglia, M. Yatskevich, P. Avesani, W. R. van Hage, O. Svab, V. Svatek: D2.2.9: Description of alignment evaluation and benchmarking results Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2007. |
J. Euzenat, F. Scharffe, A. Zimmermann: D2.2.10: Expressive alignment language and implementation Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2007. |
J. Euzenat, T. Le Bach, R. Dieng, C. Le Duc, A. Napoli, A. Zimmermann, R. Lara, A. Mocan, F. Scharffe, P. Bouquet, L. Serafini, P. Shvaiko, F. Giunchiglia, M. Yatskevich, P. Avesani, I. Zaihrayeu, M. Ehrig, Y. Sure, P. Hitzler, M. Krotzsch, A. Jentzsch, M. Mochol, H. Stuckenschmidt, A. Hess, W. R. van Hage, O. Svab, V. Svatek, W. Hu, N. Jian, G. Cheng, Y. Qu, G. Stoilos, G. Stamou, U. Straccia, R. Troncy, P. Valtchev, J. Barrasa, R. Garca Castro, E. Franconi, S. Tessaris, J. De Bo, M. Jarrar, S. Van Acker, M. Hauswirth, D. Maynard: Knowledge web 2.2: Heterogeneity in the semantic web Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project, 2007. |
2006 |
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M. Lanzenberger, J. Sampson: AlViz - A Tool for Visual Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of IV, 2006. | |
X. Su, J. A. Gulla: An information retrieval approach to ontology mapping Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2006. | |
A. Hess: An Iterative Algorithm for Ontology Mapping Capable of Using Training Data In Proceedings of ESWC, 2006. | |
H. Tan, V. Jakoniene, P. Lambrix, J. Aberg, N. Shahmehri: Alignment of Biomedical Ontologies Using Life Science Literature In Proceedings of KDLL, 2006. | |
X. Su, J. A. Gulla: An information retrieval approach to ontology mapping Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2006. |
H. Nottelmann, U. Straccia: A Probabilistic, Logic-based Framework for Automated Web Directory Alignment Soft Computing in Ontologies and the Semantic Web, 2006. | |
B. He and K. C.-C. Chang: Automatic Complex Schema Matching across Web Query Interfaces: A Correlation Mining Approach ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 2006. | |
D. Grigori, J. C. Corrales, M. Bouzeghoub: Behavioral matchmaking for service retrieval In Proceedings of ICWS, 2006. | |
W. Hu, Y. Qu: Block Matching for Ontologies In Proceedings of ISWC, 2006. | |
P. Bouquet, L., Serafini, S. Zanobini: Bootstrapping Semantics on the Web: Meaning Elicitation from Schemas In Proceedings of WWW, 2006. | |
J. C. Corrales, D. Grigori, M. Bouzeghoub: BPEL Processes Matchmaking for Service Discovery In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2006. | |
S. H. Haeri, B. B. Hariri, H. Abolhassani: Coincidence-Based Refinement of Ontology Matching In Proceedings of SCIS+ISIS, 2006. | |
A. Zhdanova, P. Shvaiko: Community-Driven Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ESWC, 2006. | |
Y. Qu, W. Hu, G. Cheng: Constructing Virtual Documents for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of WWW, 2006. | |
G. Fletcher, C. Wyss: Data Mapping as Search In Proceedings of EDBT, 2006. | |
L. Chiticariu, W.-C. Tan: Debugging Schema Mappings with Routes In Proceedings of VLDB, 2006. | |
P. Ziegler, C. Kiefer, C. Sturm, K. R. Dittrich, A. Bernstein: Detecting Similarities in Ontologies with the SOQA-SimPack Toolkit In Proceedings of EDBT, 2006. | |
F. Giunchiglia and P. Shvaiko and M. Yatskevich: Discovering Missing Background Knowledge in Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ECAI, 2006. | |
Y. An, A. Borgida, J. Mylopoulos: Discovering the Semantics of Relational Tables through Mappings Journal on Data Semantics, 2006. | |
M. Smiljanic, M. van Keulen, W. Jonker: Effectiveness Bounds for Non-Exhaustive Schema Matching Systems In Proceedings of ICDEW, 2006. |
S. Brockmans, P. Haase, H. Stuckenschmidt: Formalism-Independent Specification of Ontology Mappings - A Metamodeling Approach In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2006. |
A. Zimmermann, M. Krotzsch, J. Euzenat, P. Hitzler: Formalizing Ontology Alignment and its Operations with Category Theory In Proceedings of FOIS, 2006. | |
A. Mocan, E. Cimpian, M. Kerrigan: Formal Model for Ontology Mapping Creation In Proceedings of ISWC, 2006. | |
Z. Zhang, H. Che, P. Shi, Y. Sun, J. Gu: Formulation Schema Matching Problem for Combinatorial Optimization Problem Interoperability in Business Information Systems, 2006. | |
W. Su, J. Wang, F. Lochovsky: Holistic Schema Matching for Web Query Interface In Proceedings of EDBT, 2006. | |
P. Doshi, C. Thomas: Inexact Matching of Ontology Graphs Using Expectation-Maximization In Proceedings of AAAI, 2006. | |
P. A. Bernstein, S. Melnik, J. E. Churchill: Incremental Schema Matching In Proceedings of VLDB (Demonstration), 2006. | |
R. Fagin: Inverting Schema Mappings In Proceedings of PODS, 2006. | |
P. Bernstein, T. Green, S. Melnik, A. Nash: Implementing Mapping Composition In Proceedings of VLDB, 2006. | |
J. Wang, Z. Ding, C. Jiang: GAOM: Genetic Algorithm based Ontology Matching In Proceedings of APSCC, 2006. | |
N. Kokash, W.-J. van den Heuvel, V. D'Andrea: Leveraging Web Services Discovery with Customizable Hybrid Matching In Proceedings of ICSOC, 2006. | |
Q. Ji, W. Liu, G. Qi, D. Bell: LCS: A Linguistic Combination System for Ontology Matching In Proceedings of KSEM, 2006. | |
A. Gal: Managing Uncertainty in Schema Matching with Top-K Schema Mappings Journal on Data Semantics, 2006. |
A. C. Liang, M. Sini: Mapping AGROVOC and the Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus: Definitions, tools, procedures New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 2006. |
F. Mougin, A. Burgun, O. Bodenreider: Mapping data elements to terminological resources for integrating biomedical data sources BMC Bioinformatics, 2006. | |
Z. Aleksovski, M. Klein, W. ten Kate, F. van Harmelen: Matching Unstructured Vocabularies using a Background Ontology In Proceedings of EKAW, 2006. | |
Y.-P. P. Chen, S. Promparmote, F. Maire: MDSM: Microarray database schema matching using the Hungarian method Information Sciences, 2006. |
A. Guzman-Arenasm, J. M. Olivares-Ceja: Measuring the understanding between two agents through concept similarity Expert Systems with Applications, 2006. |
M. Fabro, J. Bezivin, P. Valduriez: Model-driven Tool Interoperability: an Application in Bug Tracking In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2006. | |
P. Atzeni, P. Cappellari, P. Bernstein: Model-Independent Schema and Data Translation In Proceedings of EDBT, 2006. | |
A. Fuxman, M. Hernandez, H. Ho, R. Miller, P. Papotti, L. Popa: Nested Mappings: Schema Mapping Reloaded In Proceedings of VLDB, 2006. | |
P. Qian, S. Zhang: Ontology Mapping Approach Based on Concept Partial Relation In Proceedings of WCICA, 2006. |
A. Bouzeghoub, A. Elbyed: Ontology Mapping for Web-Based Educational Systems Interoperability Interoperability in Business Information Systems, 2006. |
J. de Bruijn, M. Ehrig, C. Feier, F. Martin-Recuerda, F. Scharffe, M. Weiten: Ontology mediation, merging and aligning In Semantic Web Technologies. Wiley, 2006. |
M. Sabou, V. Lopez, E. Motta: Ontology Selection for the Real Semantic Web: How to Cover the Queen's Birthday Dinner? In Proceedings of EKAW, 2006. | |
W. Hu, Y. Zhao, Y. Qu: Partition-Based Block Matching of Large Class Hierarchies In Proceedings of ASWC, 2006. | |
V. Lopez, E. Motta, V. Uren: PowerAqua: Fishing the Semantic Web In Proceedings of ESWC, 2006. | |
V. Lopez, M. Sabou, E. Motta: PowerMap: Mapping the Real Semantic Web on the Fly In Proceedings of ISWC, 2006. | |
P. Bohannon, E. Elnahrawy, W. Fan, M. Flaster: Putting Context into Schema Matching In Proceedings of VLDB, 2006. | |
H. Tan, F. Hadzic, T. S. Dillon, E. Chang: RAZOR: mining distance-constrained embedded subtrees In Proceedings of ICDMW, 2006. | |
L. Laera, V. Tamma, J. Euzenat, T. Bench-Capon, T. Payne: Reaching agreement over ontology alignments In Proceedings of ISWC, 2006. | |
C. Ghidini, L. Serafini: Reconciling concepts and relations in heterogeneous ontologies In Proceedings of ESWC, 2006. | |
E. Dragut, R. Lawrence: Reducing the Cost of Validating Mapping Compositions by Exploiting Semantic Relationships In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2006. |
P. Papapanagiotou, P. Katsiouli, V. Tsetsos, C. Anagnostopoulos, S. Hadjiefthymiades: RONTO: relational to ontology schema matching AIS SIGSEMIS BULLETIN, 2006. |
P. Lambrix, H. Tan: SAMBO - A System for Aligning and Merging Biomedical Ontologies Journal of Web Semantics, 2006. | |
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino: Semantic Similarity of Ontology Instances Tailored on the Application Context In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2006. | |
M. van Gendt, A. Isaac, L. van der Meij, S. Schlobach: Semantic Web Techniques for Multiple Views Heterogeneous Collections: a Case Study In Proceedings of ECDL, 2006. | |
B. Alexe, L. Chiticariu, W.-C. Tan: SPIDER: a Schema mapPIng DEbuggeR In Proceedings of VLDB (Demonstration), 2006. |
A. Liang, M. Sini, C. Chun, L. Sijing, L. Wenlin, H. Chunpei, J. Keizer: The Mapping Schema from Chinese Agricultural Thesaurus to AGROVOC New review of hypermedia and multimedia, 2006. |
A. Zimmermann, J. Euzenat: Three Semantics for Distributed Systems and their Relations with Alignment Composition In Proceedings of ISWC, 2006. | |
W. Ceusters: Towards A Realism-Based Metric for Quality Assurance in Ontology Matching In Proceedings of FOIS, 2006. | |
K. Kotis, G. A. Vouros, K. Stergiou: Towards Automatic Merging of Domain Ontologies: The HCONE-merge approach Journal of Web Semantics, 2006. | |
U. Straccia, R. Troncy: Towards Distributed Information Retrieval in the Semantic Web: Query Reformulation Using the oMAP Framework In Proceedings of ESWC, 2006. | |
J. Tang, J. Li, B. Liang, X. Huang, Y. Li, K. Wang: Using Bayesian Decision for Ontology Mapping Journal of Web Semantics, 2006. | |
W. Wu, A. Doan, C. Yu: WebIQ: Learning from the Web to Match Query Interfaces on the Deep Web In Proceedings of ICDE, 2006. | |
A. Gal: Why is Schema Matching Tough and What Can We Do About It? SIGMOD Record, 2006. | |
M. Roth, M. A. Hernandez, P. Coulthard, L. Yan, L. Popa, H. C.-T. Ho, C. C. Salter: XML mapping technology: Making connections in an XML-centric world IBM Systems Journal, 2006. | |
S. Waworuntu and J. Bailey: XSLTGen: A System for Automatically Generating XML Transformations via Semantic Mappings Journal on Data Semantics, 2006. | |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, N. Noy, H. Stuckenschmidt, R. Benjamins, M. Uschold (eds.): Ontology Matching Proceedings of the ISWC'06 International Workshop on Ontology Matching, 2006. |
2005 |
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R. Pan, Z. Ding, Y. Yu, Y. Peng: A Bayesian Network Approach to Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of ISWC, 2005. | |
Y. Li, D. Liu, W. Zhang: A Generic Algorithm for Heterogeneous Schema Matching International Journal of Information Technology, 2005. | |
L. Serafini, H. Stuckenschmidt, H. Wache: A formal investigation of mapping language for terminological knowledge In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2005. | |
A. Gal, A. Anaby-Tavor, A. Trombetta, D. Montesi: A framework for modeling and evaluating automatic semantic reconciliation The VLDB Journal, 2005. | |
P. Avesani, F. Giunchiglia, M. Yatskevich: A Large Scale Taxonomy Mapping Evaluation In Proceedings of ISWC, 2005. | |
B. Yan: Aligning Class Hierarchies with Grass-roots Class Alignment In Proceedings of WI, 2005. | |
W. R. van Hage, S. Katrenko, G. Schreiber: A Method to Combine Linguistic Ontology-Mapping Techniques In Proceedings of ISWC, 2005. | |
J. Lu, S. Wang, J. Wang: An Experiment on the Matching and Reuse of XML Schemas In Proceedings of ICWE, 2005. | |
G. Stoilos, G. Stamou, S. Kollias: A String Metric for Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2005. | |
M. Ehrig, S. Staab, Y. Sure: Bootstrapping Ontology Alignment Methods with APFEL In Proceedings of ISWC, 2005. | |
L. M. Haas, M. A. Hernandez, H. Ho, L. Popa, M. Roth: Clio grows up: from research prototype to industrial tool In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2005. | |
Y. An, A. Borgida, J. Mylopoulos: Constructing Complex Semantic Mappings between XML Data and Ontologies In Proceedings of ISWC, 2005. | |
J. Madhavan, P. Bernstein, A. Doan, A. Halevy: Corpus-based Schema Matching In Proceedings of ICDE, 2005. | |
F. Giunchiglia, M. Yatskevich, E. Giunchiglia: Efficient Semantic Matching In Proceedings of ESWC, 2005. | |
U. Chukmol, R. Rifaieh, N. A. Benharkat: EXSMAL: EDI/XML semi-automatic Schema Matching ALgorithm In Proceedings of CEC, 2005. | |
G. A. Vouros, K. Kotis: Extending HCONE-merge by approximating the intended meaning of ontology concepts iteratively In Proceedings of ESWC, 2005. | |
M. Smiljanic, M. van Keulen, W. Jonker: Formalizing the XML Schema Matching Problem as a Constraint Optimization Problem In Proceedings of DEXA, 2005. | |
D. Kensche, C. Quix, M. A. Chatti, M. Jarke: GeRoMe: A Generic Role Based Metamodel for Model Management In Proceedings of OTM, 2005. | |
A. Bonifati, E. Q. Chang, T. Ho, L.V.S. Lakshmanan, R. Pottinger: HePToX: Marrying XML and Heterogeneity in Your P2P Databases In Proceedings of VLDB (demonstration), 2005. | |
Y. An, A. Borgida, J. Mylopoulos: Inferring Complex Semantic Mappings between Relational Tables and Ontologies from Simple Correspondences In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2005. | |
P. Bohannon, W. Fan, M. Flaster, P. P. S. Narayan: Information Preserving XML Schema Embedding In Proceedings of VLDB, 2005. | |
P. Bernstein, S. Melnik, P. Mork: Interactive Schema Translation with Instance-Level Mappings In Proceedings of VLDB (Demonstration), 2005. | |
Z. Kedad, X. Xue: Mapping discovery for XML data integration In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2005. | |
S. Berkovsky, Y. Eytani, A. Gal: Measuring the Relative Performance of Schema Matchers In Proceedings of WI, 2005. | |
P. Atzeni, P. Cappellari, P. Bernstein: ModelGen: Model Independent Schema Translation In Proceedings of ICDE, 2005. | |
U. Straccia, R. Troncy: oMAP: Combining Classifiers for Aligning Automatically OWL Ontologies In Proceedings of WISE, 2005. | |
P. Mitra, N. Noy, A. R. Jaiswal: Ontology Mapping Discovery with Uncertainty In Proceedings of ISWC, 2005. | |
D. Dou, D. McDermott, P. Qi: Ontology Translation on the Semantic Web Journal on Data Semantics, 2005. | |
M. Schorlemmer, Y. Kalfoglou: Progressive Ontology Alignment for Meaning Coordination: An Information-Theoretic Foundation In Proceedings of AAMAS, 2005. | |
G. Fletcher, C. M. Wyss: Relational data mapping in MIQIS In Proceedings of SIGMOD (Demonstration), 2005. | |
Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller, J. Mylopoulos: Representing and Querying Data Transformations In Proceedings of ICDE, 2005. | |
D. Aumueller, H. H. Do, S. Massmann, E. Rahm: Schema and ontology matching with COMA++ In Proceedings of SIGMOD (Demonstration), 2005. | |
M. Magnani, N. Rizopoulos, P. Mc.Brien, D. Montesi: Schema Integration Based on Uncertain Semantic Mappings In Proceedings of ER, 2005. | |
P. Kolaitis: Schema Mappings, Data Exchange, and Metadata Management In Proceedings of PODS, 2005. | |
A. Boukottaya, C. Vanoirbeek: Schema Matching for Transforming Structured Documents In Proceedings of DocEng, 2005. | |
A. Bilke, F. Naumann: Schema Matching using Duplicates In Proceedings of ICDE, 2005. | |
C. Yu, L. Popa: Semantic Adaptation of Schema Mappings when Schemas Evolve In Proceedings of VLDB, 2005. | |
F. Giunchiglia, P. Shvaiko, M. Yatskevich: Semantic Schema Matching In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2005. | |
A. Morishima, T. Okawara, J. Tanaka, K. Ishikawa: SMART: a tool for semantic-driven creation of complex XML mappings In Proceedings of SIGMOD (Demonstration), 2005. | |
M. Benerecetti, P. Bouquet, S. Zanobini: Soundness of Schema Matching Methods In Proceedings of ESWC, 2005. | |
H. Nottelmann, U. Straccia: sPLMap: A Probabilistic Approach to Schema Matching In Proceedings of ECIR, 2005. | |
S. Melnik, P. Bernstein, A. Halevy, E. Rahm: Supporting Executable Mappings in Model Management In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2005. | |
M. Sayyadian, Y. Lee, A. Doan, A. Rosenthal: Tuning Schema Matching Software using Synthetic Scenarios In Proceedings of VLDB, 2005. | |
G. G. Robertson, M. P. Czerwinski, J. E. Churchill: Visualization of Mappings Between Schemas In Proceedings of CHI, 2005. | |
P. Shvaiko, F. Giunchiglia, P. Pinheiro da Silva, D. L. McGuinness: Web Explanations for Semantic Heterogeneity Discovery In Proceedings of ESWC, 2005. | |
P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, A. Leger, D. L. McGuinness, H. Wache (eds.): Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications (C&O-2005) Proceedings of the AAAI'05 Workshop C&O-2005, AAAI Press, 2005. | |
B. Ashpole, M. Ehrig, J. Euzenat, H. Stuckenschmidt (eds.): Integrating Ontologies Proceedings of the K-CAP'05 Workshop on Integrating Ontologies, 2005. | |
A. Doan, N. Noy, A. Halevy (eds.): Special Issue on Semantic Integration AI Magazine, Spring 2005. | |
P. Bouquet, G. Tummarello (eds.): Semantic Web: Applications and Perspectives Proceedings of the Italian Semantic Web Workshop, 2005. | |
H. Stuckenschmidt, M. Ehrig, J. Euzenat, A. Hess, W. R. van Hage, W. Hu, N. Jian, G. Cheng, Y. Qu, G. Stoilos, G. Stamou, U. Straccia, V. Svatek, R. Troncy, P. Valtchev, M. Yatskevich: D2.2.4: Alignment implementation and benchmarking results Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2005. | |
P. Hitzler, J. Euzenat, M. Krotzsch, L. Serafini, H. Stuckenschmidt, H. Wache, A. Zimmermann: D2.2.5: Integrated view and comparison of alignment semantics Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2005. | |
J. Euzenat, F. Scharffe, L. Serafini: D2.2.6: Specification of the delivery alignment format Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2005. |
2004 |
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P. Mork, P. Bernstein Adapting a Generic Match Algorithm to Align Ontologies of Human Anatomy In Proceedings of ICDE, 2004. | |
J. Euzenat: An API for Ontology Alignment In Proceedings of ISWC, 2004. |
W. Wu, C. Yu, A. Doan, W. Meng: An Interactive Clustering based Approach to Integrating Source Query Interfaces on the Deep Web In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2004. |
M. S. Chaves, V. L. Strube de Lima: Applying a Lexical Similarity Measure to Compare Portuguese Term Collections In Proceedings of SBIA, 2004. | |
S. Bossung, H. Stoeckle, J. Grundy, R. Amor, J. Hosking: Automated data mapping specification via schema heuristics and user interaction In Proceedings of ASE, 2004. | |
H. He , W. Meng, C. Yu, Z. Wu: Automatic Integration of Web Search Interfaces with WISE-Integrator VLDB Journal, 2004. |
J. M. Olivares-Ceja, A. Guzman-Arenas: Concept similarity measures the understanding between two agents In Proceedings of NLDB, 2004. |
G. Wang, J. Goguen, Y.-K. Nam, K. Lin: Critical Points for Interactive Schema Matching In Proceedings of APWEB, 2004. | |
R. Ichise, M. Hamasaki, H. Takeda: Discovering Relationships Among Catalogs In Proceedings of DS, 2004. | |
L. van Elst, M. Kiesel: Generating and Integrating Evidence for Ontology Mappings In Proceedings of EKAW, 2004. |
A. Guzman-Arenas, J. M. Olivares-Ceja: Finding the Most Similar Concepts in two Different Ontologies In Proceedings of MICAI, 2004. |
Y. Wang, E. Stroulia: Flexible Interface Matching for Web-Service Discovery In Proceedings of WISE, 2004. | |
R. Dhamankar, Y. Lee, A. Doan, A. Halevy, P. Domingos: iMAP: Discovering Complex Semantic Matches between Database Schemas In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2004. |
B. Spencer, S. Liu: Inferring Data Transformation Rules to Integrate Semantic Web Services In Proceedings of ISWC, 2004. |
J. Wang, J. Wen, F. Lochovsky, W. Ma: Instance-based Schema Matching for Web Databases by Domain-specific Query Probing In Proceedings of VLDB, 2004. | |
M. Ehrig, Y. Sure: Ontology Mapping – An Integrated Approach In Proceedings of ESWS, 2004. | |
Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller, L. Popa: Preserving mapping consistency under schema changes VLDB Journal, 2004. | |
M. Ehrig, S. Staab: QOM - Quick Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of ISWC, 2004. | |
A. Halevy, Z. Ives, D. Suciu, I. Tatarinov: Schema Mediation for Large-Scale Data Sharing The VLDB Journal, 2004. | |
Y. Wang, E. Stroulia: Semantic Structure Matching for Assessing Web-Service Similarity In Proceedings of ICSOC, 2004. | |
J. Euzenat, P. Valtchev Similarity-based ontology alignment in OWL-lite In Proceedings of ECAI, 2004. | |
F. Giunchiglia, P. Shvaiko, M. Yatskevich: S-Match: an Algorithm and an Implementation of Semantic Matching In Proceedings of ESWS, 2004. | |
K. Kotis, G. Vouros: The HCONE Approach to Ontology Merging In Proceedings of ESWS, 2004. | |
R. Benassi, S. Bergamaschi, M. Vincini: TUCUXI: The InTelligent Hunter Agent for Concept Understanding and LeXical ChaIning In Proceedings of WI, 2004. | |
Y. Sure, O. Corcho, J. Euzenat, T. Hughes (eds.): Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools Proceedings the Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools at ISWC, 2004. | |
P. Bouquet, L. Serafini (eds.): Meaning Coordination and Negotiation Proceedings of the Meaning Coordination and Negotiation Workshop at ISWC, 2004. | |
Y. Kalfoglou, M. Schorlemmer, A. Sheth, S. Staab, M. Uschold (eds.): Semantic Interoperability and Integration Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 04391 IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2004. | |
C. Bussler, V. Tannen, I. Fundulaki (eds.): Semantic Web and Databases Proceedings of the Semantic Web and Databases Workshop at VLDB, 2004. | |
A. Doan, N. Noy, A. Halevy (eds.): Special Issue on Semantic Integration SIGMOD Record, 33(4), 2004. | |
P. Bouquet, J. Euzenat, E. Franconi, L. Serafini, G. Stamou, S. Tessaris: D2.2.1: Specification of a common framework for characterizing alignment Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2004. | |
J. Euzenat, M. Ehrig, R. G. Castro: D2.2.2: Specification of a benchmarking methodology for alignment techniques Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2004. | |
J. Euzenat, J. Barrasa, P. Bouquet, R. Dieng, M. Ehrig, M. Hauswirth, M. Jarrar, R. Lara, D. Maynard, A. Napoli, G. Stamou, H. Stuckenschmidt, P. Shvaiko, S. Tessaris, S. van Acker, I. Zaihrayeu, T. L. Bach: D2.2.3: State of the art on ontology alignment Technical report, NoE Knowledge Web project deliverable, 2004. |
2003 |
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Y. Li, D. Liu, W. Zhang: A Generic Algorithm for Heterogeneous Schema Matching International Journal of Information Technology, 2003. |
J. Madhavan, A. Halevy: Composing Mappings among Data Sources In Proceedings of VLDB, 2003. | |
M. A. Rodriguez, M. J. Egenhofer: Determining Semantic Similarity among Entity Classes from Different Ontologies IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2003. | |
L. Palopoli, G. Terracina, D. Ursino: DIKE: a system supporting the semi-automatic construction of cooperative information systems from heterogeneous databases Software: Practice and Experience, 2003. | |
Y. Kalfoglou, M. Schorlemmer: IF-Map: an ontology mapping method based on Information Flow theory Journal on data Semantics, 2003. | |
R. Ichise, H. Takeda, S. Honiden: Integrating Multiple Internet Directories by Instance-based Learning In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2003. | |
A. Kementsietsidis, M. Arenas, R. J. Miller: Mapping Data in Peer-to-Peer Systems: Semantics and Algorithmic Issues In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2003. | |
J. Kang, J. F. Naughton: On Schema Matching with Opaque Column Names and Data Values In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2003. | |
S. Melnik, E. Rahm, P. Bernstein: Rondo: A programming platform for generic model management In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2003. | |
P. Bouquet, L. Serafini, S. Zanobini: Semantic Coordination: A New Approach and an Application In Proceedings of ISWC, 2003. | |
F. Giunchiglia and P. Shvaiko: Semantic matching The Knowledge Engineering Review Journal, 2003. | |
N. Silva, J. Rocha: Semantic Web Complex Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of WI, 2003. | |
B. He, K.C.C. Chang: Statistical Schema Matching across Web Query Interfaces In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2003. | |
N. Noy and M. Musen: The PROMPT Suite: Interactive tools for ontology merging and mapping International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2003. | |
V. Cross: Uncertainty in the Automation of Ontology Matching In Proceedings of ISUMA, 2003. | |
B. Yan, M. Frank, P. Szekely, R. Neches, J. Lopez: WebScripter: Grass-roots Ontology Alignment via End-User Report Creation In Proceedings of ISWC, 2003. |
A. Doan, N. Noy, A. Halevy (eds.): Semantic Integration Proceedings of the Semantic Integration Workshop at ISWC, 2003. |
2002 |
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J. Tekli, R. Chbeir, and K. Yetongnon: An overview on XML similarity: background, current trends and future directions Computer Science Review, 2002. |
H. Do, E. Rahm: COMA - A System for Flexible Combination of Schema Matching Approaches In Proceedings of VLDB, 2002. |
H. Do, S. Melnik, E. Rahm: Comparison of Schema matching Evaluations In Proceedings of the GI-Workshop Web and Databases, Erfurt, 2002. | |
J. Zhong, H. Zhu, J. Li, Y. Yu: Conceptual Graph Matching for Semantic Search In Proceedings of ICCS, 2002. | |
J. Berlin, A. Motro: Database Schema Matching Using Machine Learning with Feature Selection In Proceedings of CAiSE, 2002. | |
Y. Kalfoglou, M. Schorlemmer: Information-Flow-Based Ontology Mapping In Proceedings of ODBASE, 2002. |
A. Doan, J. Madhavan, P. Domingos, A. Halevy: Learning to map ontologies on the semantic web Proceedings of WWW, 2002. | |
B. Magnini, L. Serafini, M. Speranza: Linguistic Based Matching of Local Ontologies In Proceedings of Meaning Negotiation Workshop at AAAI, 2002. | |
N. Silva, B. Motik, R. Volz: MAFRA - A Mapping Framework for Distributed Ontologies In Proceedings of EKAW, 2002. | |
A. Maedche, S. Staab: Measuring Similarity between Ontologies In Proceedings of EKAW, 2002. | |
Y. Ding, S. Foo: Ontology research and development. Part 2: a review of ontology mapping and evolving Journal of Information Science, 2002. | |
J. Madhavan, P. Bernstein, P. Domingos, A. Halevy: Representing and Reasoning about Mappings between Domain Models In Proceedings of AAAI, 2002. | |
P. Mitra, G. Wiederhold: Resolving Terminological Heterogeneity In Ontologies In Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies and Semantic Interoperability at ECAI, 2002 | |
S. Melnik, H. Garcia-Molina, E. Rahm: Similarity Flooding: A Versatile Graph Matching Algorithm In Proceedings of ICDE, 2002. | |
R. Goldstone, B. Rogosky: Using relations within conceptual systems to translate across conceptual systems Cognition, 2002. | |
M. Lee, L. Yang, W. Hsu, X. Yang: XClust: Clustering XML Schemas for Effective Integration In Proceedings of CIKM, 2002. |
2001 |
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N. F. Noy and M. A. Musen: Anchor-PROMPT: Using Non-Local Context for Semantic Matching In Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies and Information Sharing at IJCAI, 2001 | |
J. Berlin, A. Motro: Autoplex: Automated Discovery of Content for Virtual Databases In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2001. | |
L. L. Yan, R. J. Miller, L. M. Haas, R. Fagin: Data-Driven Understanding and Refinement of Schema Mappings In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2001. | |
M. Lacher, G. Groh: Facilitating the Exchange of Explicit Knowledge through Ontology Mappings In Proceedings of FLAIRS, 2001. | |
G. Stumme, A. Maedche: FCA-MERGE: Bottom-Up Merging of Ontologies In Proceedings of IJCAI, 2001. | |
J. Madhavan, P. Bernstein, E. Rahm: Generic Schema Matching with Cupid In Proceedings of VLDB, 2001. | |
D. Embley, D. Jackman, L. Xu: Multifaceted Exploitation of Metadata for Attribute Match Discovery in Information Integration In Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Integration on the Web, 2001. | |
R. Agrawal, R. Srikant: On Integrating Catalogs In Proceedings of WWW, 2001. | |
A. Kiryakov, K. Simov, M. Dimitrov: OntoMap: Portal for Upper-Level Ontologies In Proceedings of FOIS, 2001. | |
A. Doan, P. Domingos, A. Halevy: Reconciling Schemas of Desparate Data Sources: A Machine-Learning Approach In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2001. | |
M. Doerr: Semantic Problems of Thesaurus Mapping Journal of Digital Information, 2001. | |
R. Miller, M. A. Hernandez, L. M. Haas, L. Yan, C.T. H. Ho, R.Fagin, L.Popa: The Clio Project: Managing Heterogeniety In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2001. | |
G. Modica, A. Gal, H. Jamil: The Use of Machine - Generated Ontologies in Dynamic Information Seeking In Proceedings of CoopIS, 2001. | |
D. Beckett, J. Grant: Mapping Semantic Web Data with RDBMSes SWAD-Europe Deliverable 10.2, 2001. |
2000 and previous years |
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